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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
************************ Check Out Comments - Humor + Letters From Readers Add Something Yourself ************************
Out Of Town Visitor
There was this Chapel Hill sheriff and his deputy riding along their small town near the UNC campus. They spot a car with out of town plates and decide to pull it over. . The sheriff says "Where you from boy?" The man says Chicago. Sheriff says, "Don't lie to me son I saw them Illinois tags."
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A Shoulder To Cry On
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Has anyone seen Jake?
A sheriff walks into a saloon and shouts for everyone's
attention. "Has anyone seen Brown Paper Jake?"
"What's he look like?", asks one shoddy-looking cowboy.
"Well", replies the Sheriff. "He wears a brown paper hat,
a brown paper waistcoat, a brown paper shirt, brown
paper boots, brown paper pants, and a brown paper jacket."
"So what's he wanted for?", asks the same cowboy.
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Find The Baby
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Serious Decision
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Bagpipe & Onion
Q. What's the difference between a bagpipe and an onion? A. No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.
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Staying In Touch
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1. Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says,
"I've lost my electron." The other says, "Are you
sure?" The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive."
2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender
says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything."
3. A sandwich walks into a bar. The bartender says,
"Sorry, we don't serve food."
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E-Mail Hoax
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Shopping Center
Once you've seen one shopping
center, you've seen a mall.
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Francis Scott Key
Born: August 1, 1779
Died: January 11, 1843
Lawyer, poet who penned the national anthem of the
United States of America. His published works include
"The Power of Literature and Its Connection with
Religion" and the posthumous collection "Poems."
After the British attacked and set fire to both the Capitol and the White House, a long night of battle ensued. When daylight came, much to everyone's surprise, the flag was still there. This led the amateur poet to write on the back of a letter in his pocket the lines that would become central to the national anthem. A Baltimore actor sang the new song in a public performance the next month as "The Star-spangled Banner" and it became a popular patriotic song. In 1931 Congress enacted legislation that made this the official national anthem. Key was appointed the United States District Attorney and appeared many times before the Supreme Court.
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Docked Paycheck
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Word Test
Match the words in the left-hand column with
the correct definition in the right-hand column.
1. apparat..........A. Divided or withdrawn in attention 2. bork..............B. Fat; greasy 3. distrait..........C. The highest point 4. chaparral.......D. Structure of an organization 5. indurate.........E. The north 6. septentrion....F. To attack someone 7. ne plus ultra..G. One who is at home in every place 8. fletcherism.....H. A dense growth of shrubs 9. cosmopolite....I. Ridiculously thorough chewing 10. pinguid.........J. Physically or morally hardened
(Answers below)
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A Little Girl Named Ashlyn
A small article towards the back of a People magazine
told the story of a little girl named Ashlyn. She was
described as an incredibly happy child, eager and
energetic. According to her mother, Ashlyn has the
best laugh in the world, and according to her kinder-
garten teacher, she fearlessly goes headfirst into
everything. In many ways she is a typical, lovable five-year-old. But Ashlyn is one of only 50 people
in the world with a genetic condition that leaves her
unable to feel pain. She can feel touch and be tickled,
but she cannot sense pain or extreme temperatures.
13. piscatory (adj.) - relating to A: plant life. B: fish or fishing. C: scuba gear. D: beach sand.
14. regenerate (v.) - A: to add new traits. B: use twice. C: produce anew. D: eat one's own young.
15. osmosis (n.) - A: prehistoric fish. B: how coral reproduces. C: movement of water molecules. D: steady loss of appetite.
16. kelp (n.) - A: tiniest shark. B: dolphin sound. C: knot used by sailors. D: type of seaweed.
(Answers are below)
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Letters To Howdy
If you would like to write Howdy
(he reads all of them), send an
amicable, meticulous, penurious
or factious e-mail to:
Howdy's address:
(original letter below)
1)P.S. Do you see anything unusual about the picture of me on the boat???
*uhm...just a "small" shark tryin to eat the whole boat :) and i see the moon reflection in daylight time !!!!
2)P.P.S. Is it o.k. to have this joke in 'T & H' or is it toooo controversial for today's "P.C." society???
*of course its ok for me as i am a man...but u should listen to women's ideas about it :)
Please Rate Which Is BETTER:
from best to worst for me
1) Much More (icon story) 2) Great Humor 3) Thought 4) Riddles 5) Trivia 6) Letters 7) Word Puzzles
Hope this will be useful 4 me my friend
Ahmed Egypt
Howdy, Howdy!
Man, I've been a fan of Thoughts & Humor for as long as I've had a computer. Admitidly (?), that hasn't been but a year or so, BUT, be that as it may, I enjoy all of it. However, I like the "OLD" version where I just open it up and start enjoying. This "new" blog is just not the same. I can't get in to it half the time and it just takes all the fun out of Thoughts & humor for me. I used to spend hours looking at articles and memorizing the great jokes. Is there any going back or at least help for me as to under- standing and navigating this "new version?"
Sincerely yours, Mr. Edd
Hey Mr Edd, The old edition (made up of portions of the blog) are sent out on most Fridays by request to any who ask...
Your Devoted Friend, Howdy
I'm still down, except for the e-mail..... please send me the newsletter in that format. Please, please, please: the word puzzles & ANSWERS?
I use them with my students, but I don't have time to look up all the answers.
Thanks! --Laura (keep up the good work!)
I didn’t think Elvis and Big Foot was funny. Neither did my 18 year son, but my twelve year old son liked it. Now you know target age for that humor.The 12 year old and I both liked kitty, kitty, kitty, best. The 18 year old also liked it.The 18 year old liked poker face best. I thought it was funny, too, but not real funny. The 12 year old didn’t get it.
Dave B.
1) As for the picture...well, it seems the ocean has a moon in it... I can't see the guy too well. 2) As for the "husband store"...it seems to be critical of women, but does this in jest.(By the way, whoever came up with this idea that women are impossible to please? I think it's the other way around, at least in my experience, men have never been pleased with me, or with what I am, or do...) 3) Which is better? Definitely, Humor! but also Thought and some poems that talk of love. 4) Sorry, my roomate thinks I'm crazy for consorting with a religious/right person who won't tell me his name. I frankly must be crazy because I'm not conservative politically. 5) Questions that really need answers: like who you are - these will never be answered, I'm reconciled to that.
Howdy, Howdy,
I like the one where the kitty is saying,"you don't have to say kitty 3 times, I'm not deaf." the one with the husband thing, it didn't bother me any, I know it's all in fun. If it bothers some, it might mean they are bothered because they are guilty in that area. We all have faults, and if we strive to better that area, than we can feel better about ourselves and our life. I think it's fine. But than again I'm talking from a womans viewpoint.
Hello Howdy,
I am sorry but I can't make up my mind on which ones are better they are all great.
Margot ;-)
The first one is interesting, but not too funny. The second one however, is quite funny, clever, and keeps in line with the general tastefulness of your periodical. Keep up the good work that you are doing. It is unique, interesting, thought provoking (in the very best and most important way [ i.e. in regards to eternity]) and you do it quite well.
Blessings to you, Michael C. Los Angeles
Dearest Howdy,
I think the Husband Mart joke is awesome! I think it makes a great point, even if it's done with a dose of humor. And since when have you ever been concerned about being "PC?" That will be the day I unsubscribe.The cat cartoon is really cute, as is the Elvis/Sasquatch one. Either is good, but I'm partial to cats and it's incredibly funny to me because my cat will not respond to "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty..." He does do what I tell him (so I'm not totally sure he's actually a cat) but he'll only come if I say, "Simon, come here." I can "kitty, kitty, kitty" until I drop and he'll completely ignore me! I think maybe it is insulting?? :0)Oh my goodness! I looked at a couple of those testimonials on Everystudent.com and WOW! That is absolutely amazing. My heart quickened and my eyes were tearing up immediately. What a realistic, applicable witness for students or young people who are without the gospel or who are just questioning what they believe. I'm out of college, but I am just 25 and I know lots of people whose hearts those stories would reach.Thanks for the good stuff. Keep it up.
Catherine N. Charlotte, NC
I wanted to thank you for this bit in your latest newsletter. I have grown more fearful of flying during the last 10 years or so...extremely fearful - to the extent that I was planning on seeing my doctor before flying this April so that she could prescribe a drug to calm me down. I was all for purchasing our timeshare so that I would be forced to fly each year.
Your inclusion of this paragraph has helped me and I will use it as my "mantra"."I don’t presume to understand God or why He chooses as He does. But if we didn’t trust in the sovereign power of a good and kindGod, we just might become paralyzed with fear, not wishing to step into the street, or drive to the store, or fly on a plane, or evenlet our children outside to play. But God alone is the One who gives life or takes it,and we can trust Him to protect us until Hecalls us home. And we need to live so weare ready for that possibility every day."
Lisa - Faculty University of Wyoming
Dear Howdy,
I really used to look forward to thoughts & humor. Now, I have to go through so much "stuff" that I barely recognize it any more. And, being somewhat computer illiterate, I have no idea what a "blog" is or why it is even needed when your "old" format was much more user friendly. Plus, most of what I see when I open my mail is just a bunch of symbols that look like comic strip cussing. What's the deal? If I didn't enjoy everything so much, I wouldn't even bother to try. Help!!!
m redd
Hey Howdy,
Thanks for the opportunity! I was looking for an excuse not to work today. Your email arrived just in time.
Here are my thoughts...
The shark pic funny, but scary!
All the cartoons are great...I would use them all! out of film very funny deaf cat very funny poker face very funny
The Jesus film may be too big to load for some people but no biggie it still was awesome.
The everystudent website very good for the college crowd. once again not everyone has high speed internet?
Find the wolves was good.
The word puzzle always informative. I am a big nerd so I like them.
Dear John letter good.
The trivia is always one of my most favorite parts to your email! ALWAYS THE BEST!
The icon story cute? But not really my cup of tea.
Hope this helps, Lee FSU
Original Letter From Howdy:
Dear Reader,
You have been selected to tell me
if you think each of the cartoons
and jokes below are funny to you
& your friends. If you have
opportunity,read them outloud
to friends & see which brings
the best reaction...
Double click above link or copy and paste this link into your Web Browser's address line.
Some you will need to scroll down.
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Word Test Answers
1. apparat...........D. Structure of an organization 2. bork................F. To attack someone 3. distrait.............A. Divided or withdrawn in attention 4. chaparral.........H. A dense growth of shrubs 5. indurate...........J. Physically or morally hardened 6. septentrion......E. The north 7. ne plus ultra....C. The highest point 8. fletcherism.......I. Ridiculously thorough chewing 9. cosmopolite...G. One who is at home in every place 10. pinguid.........B. Fat; greasy
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Hungry Clock
When a clock is hungry, it
goes back four seconds.
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Movies & T.V.
Why are you IN a movie,
but you are ON TV?
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Cleaning Service
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Good For Women???
Women are simply offered abortion, the quick fix, while genuinely meaningful solutions to their social or personal problems are left unexplored. . . . As long as abortion on demand remains legal and a constitutional right, women will continue to be isolated and exploited. Please, don't tell us abortion is good for women.
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New Bedroom Furniture
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1) There seems to be only one ordinary English
word that can be turned into another by replacing
a U with a V. Find it.
2) It runs and runs but can never flee. It is often watched, yet never sees. When long it brings boredom, When short it brings fear. What is it?
3) I start with the letter e, I end with the letter e. I contain only one letter, Yet I am not the letter e! What am I?
(Answers below)
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One of the great but little-known treasures of New York City is a forty-acre hemlock forest, undisturbed, as far as is known, since the time of the Indians. The grove stands on the banks of the Bronx River in the New York Botanical Garden.
The pyramids in Egypt contain enough stone and mortar to construct a wall 10 feet high and 5 feet wide running from New York City to Los Angeles.
In Australia, the Number 1 topping for pizza is eggs. In Chile, the favorite topping is mussels and clams. In the United States, it's pepperoni.
*** A Christmas Carol
The four ghosts in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol were the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas Yet to Come, and the ghost of Jacob Marley.
A "Blue Moon" is the second full moon in a calendar month (it is rarely blue).
The title role of Dirty Harry, 1971, was originally intended for Frank Sinatra. After he refused, it was offered to John Wayne, and then Paul Newman, finally being accepted by Clint Eastwood.
The "y" in signs reading "ye olde.." is properly pro- nounced with a "th" sound, not "y". The "th" sound does not exist in Latin, so ancient Roman occupied (present day) England used the rune "thorn" to rep- resent "th" sounds. With the advent of the printing press the character from the Roman alphabet which closest resembled thorn was the lower case "y".
The last thing to happen is the ultimate. The next-to- last is the penultimate, and the second-to-last is the antepenultimate.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
- - Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish philosopher and statesman.
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The Chief and the Thief
It was centuries ago, when all of North America
belonged to its Native people. One nomadic
Indian tribe in the Great Plains was blessed with
a chief that was beloved and respected by every-
one who knew him. He was known as a man who
deeply loved his people, and he showed it - and
a man of absolute justice and fairness and he
showed that. One day some braves brought a
very troubling report to him; there had been
several mysterious thefts from people in the tribe. .
The chief wanted to nip this kind of stealing in
the bud so he announced a severe penalty for
the thief. He would be tied to a post when the
sun was high, his back laid bare, and he would
be beaten with a whip twenty times. Then the
chief set a trap. He asked two of his trusted
braves to leave some animal pelts in front of
a teepee one night and to watch all night from
another tepee. It was the middle of the night
when one of those braves awakened the chief
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C.S. Lewis - Famous Oxford Author
C.S. Lewis once asked, "Where, except in the present, can the Eternal be met?" This is why the present is so profoundly important. You see, God is always nearest to us "now." Where Jesus says, "Follow me." Where He pleads, "Come to me," there is urgency and im- mediacy in his voice. Now is where He asks us to draw near; now is when we must decide to follow or not to follow; now is where we rejoice in this day that He hath made. So indeed, seize the day, for the promises of the One who came in the fullness of time are boldly written upon every moment.
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Birth Registration
A UNC grad goes to the Birth Registration
Office to register his newborn son.
The man behind the counter asks the name
he wants to give to the boy, and the father
replies: "Euro."
The man says that such a name is not
acceptable, because it's a currency.
Says the UNC grad: "What? There weren't
any objections when I called my first two
sons Mark and Frank."
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700 Soup Recipes
At the Epicurious Web site, you can choose
from over 700 soup recipes. Search filters
like "Fork Rating" and "Quick" help you
decide which brew to stew. And since
recipes are pulled from Bon Appetit
and Gourmet magazines, you know they're tasty. http://xrl.us/ernm
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* * * Great Archives Here - - - - "Music That Howdy Enjoys" Below * * *