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We have -
Moved To:

The E.Newspaper
By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D.
A.P.E., N.U.T.

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Humor + Letters From Readers
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Computers - 16 Years Ago

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Our Coming King

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Our Coming King

Dr. Adrian Rogers


New UNC Invention


Truth In Advertising

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In Praise of Rereading

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In his book The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis
reading-for-appearance's-sake as harmful
to the soul. The senior devil
Screwtape chastises
his nephew Wormwood for allowing his "patient"
"read a book he really enjoyed, because he
enjoyed it and not in order to
make clever remarks
about it to his new friends." This purely motivated

reading threw the tempter's scheme (to make his
patient a pompous,
self-important, hypocrite)
completely off course.


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Has Anyone Seen Jake

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A sheriff walks into a saloon and shouts for
everyone's attention. "Has anyone seen Brown
Paper Jake?"

"What's he look like?", asks one shoddy -
looking cowboy.

"Well", replies the Sheriff. "He wears a brown
paper hat, a brown paper waistcoat, a brown
paper shirt, brown paper boots, brown paper
pants, and a brown paper jacket."

"So what's he wanted for?", asks the same cowboy.


Read out-loud to a friend over the phone!!!


Trouble Maker

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Delivery For A Friend

I was helping a buddy of mine, who was an
orthopedic surgeon,
move to his new office,
and using my car to help transport
some of
his office equipment.

I had decided to position his somewhat
fragile display skeleton strapped into the
back seat of my car, his bony arm across
the back of my seat.

Not thinking, I hadn't considered the drive
across town. At one traffic light, the stares
of the people in the car beside me became
quite obvious.

I looked across and explained, "I'm delivering
him to a doctor's office."

The other driver leaned out of his window
and commented, "I hate to tell you, but I
looks like you may be a bit too late!"

Read out-loud to a friend over the phone!!!


Toughest Time Of My Life

"I had the toughest time of my life. First,
I got angina
pectoris and then arteriosclerosis.
Just as I was recovering
from these, I got
tuberculosis, double pneumonia and
Then they gave me hypodermics. Appendicitis
followed by tonsillectomy. These gave way
to aphasia and
hypertrophic cirrhosis. I completely
lost my memory for a
while. I know I had diabetes
and acute ingestion, besides
lumbago and neuritis. I don't know
how I pulled
through it. It was the hardest spelling test
I've ever had."

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I'm Mad At You

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Off The Island

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With Guidance From UNC

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Day At The Beach

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New Shoes

A man walks into a shoe store, and tries
on a pair of shoes.

"How do they feel?" asks the sales clerk.

"Well they feel a bit tight," replies the man.

The assistant promptly bends down and has
a look at the shoes and at the man's feet.

"Try pulling the tongue out. That should
help." the clerk says.

"Well, theyth sthill feelth a bith tighth."

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Chicken Vacation

Q. Where did the chicken go on her vacation?

A. Sandy Eggo.

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Light Lunch


A Tragic Story

At the window of my house
I looked through my lattice.
I saw among the inexperienced,
I noticed among the youths,
a young man lacking sense.

Crossing the street near her corner,
he strolled down the road to her house
at twilight, in the evening,
in the dark of the night.
A woman came to meet him,
dressed like a prostitute,
having a hidden agenda.

She is loud and defiant;
her feet do not stay at home.
Now in the street, now in the squares,
she lurks at every corner.
She grabs him and kisses him;
she brazenly says to him,

"I've made fellowship offerings;
today I've fulfilled my vows.
So I came out to meet you,
to search for you, and I've found you.
I've spread coverings on my bed -
richly colored linen from Egypt.
I've perfumed my bed
with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
Come, let's drink deeply of lovemaking until morning.
Let's feast on each other's love!
My husband isn't home;
he went on a long journey.
He took a bag of money with him
and will come home at the time of the full moon."

She seduces him with her persistent pleading;
she lures with her flattering talk.
He follows her impulsively
like an ox going to the slaughter,
like a deer bounding toward a trap
until an arrow pierces its liver,
like a bird darting into a snare -
he doesn't know it will cost him his life.
- - Prov. 7


A Hole In Her Heart

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Our friend Mary recently had a medical
procedure to repair what the doctor called
"a hole in her heart." Then he told her that
everyone is born with a hole in their heart.
That got my attention. I called a longtime
friend of mine who is a highly experienced
and respected heart surgeon. He told me
that before we are born, there's a hole that
is the passageway for blood to enter our
pre-natal heart. In most people, and I'm
glad I'm most people, the hole heals up
within a few days after birth. For a few,
it doesn't go away. And it really needs to
be repaired.

MORE: http://xrl.us/fbm2


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We are now witnessing a comprehensive revolution
in the way information is distributed, evaluated, and
catapulted into the nation's consciousness. Just ask
Eason Jordan.

Until late last week, Jordan was CNN's senior news
chief. All that changed when reports came out of
Davos, Switzerland and the World Economic Forum,
attributing nearly unbelievable comments to the news
executive. As reported, Jordan had claimed that
American soldiers had targeted certain reporters
and journalists in Iraq to be killed.

Within hours, "blogs" had jumped on the story,
tracking down the actual substance of the comments
and catching Jordan in a web of unsustainable denials.
By last Friday, the executive simply resigned,
explaining that he had "decided to resign in an
effort to prevent CNN from being unfairly tarnished
by the controversy over conflicting accounts of my
most recent remarks regarding the alarming number
of journalists killed in Iraq."

Eason Jordan seemed genuinely perplexed as he
attempted to deal with the controversy surrounding
his comments. Perhaps he should have called Dan
Rather, whose downfall was a direct result of information
distributed in the blogosphere. Better yet, he should
ask Hugh Hewitt, a world-class blogger whose new book,
Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That's
Changing Your World, is the single best resource for
understanding this new and powerful information revolution.

As Hewitt explains, blog is shorthand for "weblog."
Just as the word log refers to a written record of events
and analysis, a blog is simply "a diary of sorts maintained
on the internet by one or more regular contributors."
Hewitt dates the first blog to about 1999. Now, there
are more than four million blogs--with several thousand
new blogs added each day.

MORE: http://xrl.us/e5oa


Thankful For Electricity

"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be
watching television by candlelight."


US Supreme Court

In 1796 the US Supreme Court issued this ruling, "By our form
of government, the Christian religion is the established religion,
and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on
equal footing." Some 57 years later, after Congress was
petitioned to separate Christian principles from government,
in 1853 the House Judiciary Committee issued their formal
report, including these words: "In this age there is no substitute
for Christianity. This was the religion of the founders of the republic,
and they expected it to be the religion of their dependents. The
great vital, conservative elements in our system is the belief of
our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the gospel
of Jesus Christ." - - - Dr. Gerald Beavan



What Do You Mean???

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US Forest Service

After many years of faithful duty with the US Forest Service,
their beloved fire prevention mascot was unceremoniously
"retired." Still in the prime of his life and bearing one of the
world's most recognizable faces, he quickly found work as
spokesman for the world's leading exporter of diamonds.

He's now working as "Smokey DeBeers."


Underappreciated Irony:
Sandra Dee and Hunter S. Thompson

On February 20, two 1960s cultural icons died:
journalist Hunter S. Thompson and
Sandra Dee. The days following their deaths
were filled with eulogies
about their lives and
careers -- eulogies that say much more about
us than about
the deceased.


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Arguing Against Him

When you are arguing against Him, you are
arguing against the very power that makes
you able to argue at all. -C.S. Lewis

Tks: Brenda - TX

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My Eulogy

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Passing Thru Chapel Hill

A traveller was passing through Chapel
Hill when he came upon a huge funeral

"Who died?" he asked a nearby UNC student.

"I'm not sure," replied the student, " but I
think it's the one in the coffin."

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Long-Term Relationship

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Your Attorney

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Life Issues

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Be A Nurse

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Find The Baby

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Harvard vs. The Governor

Harvard's medical research community is outraged
that Massachusetts Governor
Mitt Romney has dared
to challenge its plans to create human embryos and
turn these tiny human beings into laboratory rats.


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Free Lunches

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Henri Nouwen was a man people wanted to
know. In his lifetime he taught at the prestigious
universities of Harvard and Notre Dame and
was a tenured professor at Yale. He was a
prolific author and a speaker often in demand.
But ironically, the people who wanted to know
him most were probably the least interested
in his crowning achievements as a writer and

a lecturer. MORE: http://xrl.us/e99q

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* * * Great Archives Here - - - - "Music That H Enjoys" Below * * *

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Our Daily Bread

President Lincoln

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Intellectual Takeout

Evangelical Viewpoint

Dr. John Vernon McGee

Insight For Living

Turning Point

Outstanding Bible Teacher

Dr. Tony Evans

Listen To The Bible

Is Jesus God?

Great Bible Teaching

*America - Why I Love Her - Big John Wayne*

The Church & Israel

How To Become A Christian

*Watch The Jesus Movie*


Your very own library

Muhammad or Jesus???

Why The U.S.A. Is At War - 1

Why The U.S.A. Is At War - 2

Christian Women

Is Jesus God?

Statement Of What Howdy Believes!!!

Bible Crosswords

Great Bible Teacher

All About Cults

Religion Comparison

The Relationship of the Church to Israel

Just For Guys

Church History

***Watch The Jesus Movie***
{Many Languages}

Music That Ho Enjoys

God Bless America - Kate Smith

Military Music

Boston Pops: God Bless America

This Land Is Your Land

Blue Moon

Say A Prayer

Hawaii Five O


The Battle Of New Orleans

Beverly Hillbillies

Indiana Jones

James Bond



Mission Impossible

Peter Gunn


Singing In The Rain

Star Wars

Top Gun

Peggy Sue



Chuck Berry

Rock Around The Clock

Dueling Guitars

Blueberry Hill

A Taste Of Honey - clip

(I Left My Heart) In San Francisco - clip

Take The 'A' Train - clip

Hello, Dolly! - clip

Peggy Sue - clip

Theme From Peter Gunn - clip

Song from Moulin Rouge


Ebb Tide

Tara's Theme from Gone with the Wind

Around the World in 80 Days

Breakfast at Tiffany's


The Way We Were

You Do Something to Me



A Foggy Day



Arrivederci Roma

Theme from Moulin Rouge II

Stardust - Big Band



Rhapsody in Blue

Sleepy Lagoon

My Foolish Heart

Lisbon Antigua

La Mer

April in Portugal

Because of You

Poor People of Paris

Unchained Melody

Stranger on the Shore


Maple Leaf Rag

Voices of Spring

Emperor Waltz

Radetzky March

Water Music (Excerpt) George Frideric Handel

Finale - William Tell Overture

Overture - My Fair Lady

The Rain in Spain

The Lonely Bull - Herb Alpert

Tijuana Taxi - Herb Alpert

The Happy Whistler

So Rare

Mona Lisa

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Walk, Don't Run

Wonderland by Night

Canadian Sunset

Blue Tango

The Happy Wanderer

Down Yonder

Midnight in Moscow

Crazy Medley


That's for Me

Quiet Village

Harbor Lights

Dueling Banjoes II

Autumn Leaves

My Foolish Heart

Don't Know Much






Close To You

Rainy Days & Mondays

Sing A Song

Yesterday Once More

We've Only Just Begun

Goodbye To Love

Only You

As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By II

As Time Goes By - Original

After Loving

San Francisco

Stranger In Paradise

Mrs. Howdy

Rags To Riches

The Good Life

Hello Dolly

All Of Me

Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Beyond The Sea

Everybody Loves

Return To Me

That's Amore

Autumn Leaves

Love Me With All Your Heart

If I Give My Heart To You

Autumn Leaves II

Autumn Leaves III

See The USA

My Prayer

You Always Hurt

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Love Me Tender

Its Now Or Never

Old Shep

Dont Be Cruel

When I Fall In Love

When I Fall In Love II

When I Fall In Love III

A Fool Such As I

You'll Never Know


I'm Yours

Wish You Were Here

Lady Of Spain


It's Magic

Secret Love

This Magic Moment

My Prayer

Twilight Time

Great Pretender

Harbor Lights

Little Darlin'


No Other Love

Magic Moments

Till The End Of Time

Dont Let The Stars

Overture - Barber of Seville

Back In The Saddle

You Always Hurt

When I Fall

When A Man

True Love



In The Mood

A Taste Of Honey

The Lonely Bull

Lollipops And Roses

This Guys In Love With You

What Now My Love

Three Coins In The Fountain

You've Gotta Have Heart


Stranger In Paradise II

Love Is...


Georgia On My Mind

Sentimental Over You

Thanks For The Memories

Too Young


Never On Sunday

Yellow Rose Of Texas


My Little Corner

Speak Low

Moments To Remember


Be My Love

Embassy Waltz


A Certain Smile

Chances Are

Not For Me To Say

Stranger On The Shore

I'll Be Seeing You

Cherry Pink


Moonlight Serenade

Last Date

Naughty Lady

Til I Kissed You

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Dixie Land Band

Ghost Riders In The Sky

The Happy Wanderer


Santa Catalina

Band Of Gold

Auld Lang Syne

The Wayward Wind

P.S. I Love You

Harbor Lights

Ebb Tide

Lime Light

Green Door

My Heart Cries

Down Yonder

Silvana Mangano Anna

Does Your Chewing Gum?

Grand Night For Singing

Purple People Eater

Orange Blossom Special

I'll Get By

'Til Then

Katie At UNC

Love Letters

As Time Goes By

Cheek To Cheek

Mission Impossible

The Way You Look Tonight


Glad To Be An American

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

How Great Thou Art

Have Thine Own Way

Beyond The Sunset

Amazing Grace

He's Got The Whole World

Peace In The Valley

How Great Thou Art II

Stars & Stripes Forever

Tennessee Waltz

Beverly Hillbillies Theme

El Paso

Happy Trails

Big John

Sixteen Tons

Which Doctor?

Wonderful! Wonderful!



The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Mr. Sandman

Bad Leroy

Only The Lonely


Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7 - II


I Walk The Line

God loves you so much that He died for you!!!


Click Here

Verse of the Day

* * * Four important things to KNOW: #1) For ALL (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) have sinned & fall short of the glory of God. #2) For the wages of above (see #1) are DEATH (Hell, eternal separation from God, & damnation) but the Gift (free & at no charge to you) of God (Creator, Jehovah, & Trinity) is Eternal Life (Heaven) through (in union with) Jesus Christ (God, Lord, 2nd Person of The Trinity, Messiah, Prince of Peace & Savior of the World). #3) For God so greatly loved & dearly prized the world (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) that He even gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, that whosoever (anyone, anywhere, anytime - while still living) believes (trust in, relies on, clings to, depends completely on) Him shall have eternal (everlasting) life (heaven). #4) Jesus said: "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, & THE LIFE. No one (male/female - American, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Asian, Presbyterian, European, Baptist, Brazilian, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc. ) comes (arrives) to the Father (with GOD in Heaven) EXCEPT BY (through) ME (no other name). *** This wonderful loving GOD gives you the choice - - - (Rev. 3:20) {Please note that church membership, baptism, doing good things, etc. are not requirements for becoming a Christian - however they are great afterwards!!!} *** Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (Hell, damnation, eternal punishment), and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (Heaven, eternal happiness, forever with God), and only a few find it.

D I S C L A I M E R If someone should ask if it's legal to download songs
found on various non-commercial sites, such as this one.

Well, I'm neither a lawyer nor a technician,
and I've begun to wonder if it was legal for
us to tape music off the radio back when
tape recorders first came into being.

And were we committing a crime when we recorded
a movie shown on TV with our VCRs? And was it
really legal to buy a dual-deck recorder for the
express purpose of duplicating cassettes?

My answer to all of the above is, "I don't know."

Nonetheless, here is a formal statement in
some kind of legalize that appears to apply
to this kind of file availability:

The songs on this site are copyrighted by their respective artists and are placed here
for evaluation purposes only. No profits or sales are made on this site from their use.

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