The Virus (An Ultra Lite Novel by Howdy)
This Monday started like most any day but would end anything but
typical. The Weather Channel forecasted mild atmospheric conditions
(even for November) but unfolding events would soon challenge and
startle mankind as never before.
In an elaborate government building somewhere in Rome, a multitude
of dedicated world renowned computer and technology experts studied
The Virus that had already secretly infected 98% of the planet's
computers in its first stage. Up to this point, none outside this edifice
had ascertained the existence of the silent menace.
In Jerusalem, heavy crowds were milling around The Dome of the Rock,
the third holiest site to Muslims worldwide. On the other side of the
Wall, a larger than expected crowd of Jewish worshipers prayed even
as portions of the wall continued to collapse.
In New York City, the Stock Market opened slightly higher while
down in Washington - Pentagon officials poured their second cup
of Maxwell House Decaf. Further south, the last edition of The
Atlanta Journal was being prepared while further west, parents
turned toward their offices after depositing their children at school.
Work halted temporarily in the government building as the new
dynamic and charismatic leader's entourage entered. He spoke
over the JBL sound system. "Good associates, The Virus is
scheduled to be released as planned in two stages. Stage one as
you know affects all the world's primary computers while the
second will decrease the excess occupiers that have so strained
our fragile environment. Both will begin to take effect within the
hour thanks to your hard work." He will later become Time Magazine's
"Man of the Year".
Unexpected to those in Rome, The Wall in Jerusalem collapses and
thousands of Muslims lose their lives along with hundreds of Jewish
worshipers. The Dome of the Rock along with all nearby buildings of the
Islamic Faith disappear into rubble. Within moments a very great riot
commences with each side blaming the other. Syria (with Iraq's lost
WMD) & Iran ready their hidden nuclear arsenal.
With a new surprising show of unity in Beijing, Hanoi, Jakarta, Tokyo,
Pyongyang, New Delhi along with other Far East capitals, 200 million
multi-asian troops are placed on alert. Moscow prepares its revived
army for an eventual march south....very far south.
Stage one hits Wall Street, the Pentagon, Main Street and homes
across America as well as the entire Western World. Business stops
as all funds - the complete wealth of the Industrialized World - is
transferred by computer virus via the web to Rome. All modern military
weapons are now under the new leader's absolute command as well as
the world's media (Rule of Rome once again).
As the second stage of The Virus is released, millions will become sick
and die with a highly infectious disease stronger that the SARS & Ebola
viruses combined. Fortunately for some, certain large groups of people
have been quietly immunized earlier. Millions of Christians disappear at
5 PM EST (Midnight in Jerusalem) virtually unnoticed because of the
pandemonium. The controlled media is not allowed to print this story.
The President is declared lost because Air Force One is down over the
Atlantic according to managed reports but did his aircraft ever leave
Andrews Air Force Base? Is this a cover up from Rome to perhaps hide
his evanescence also? Other prominent members of the President's
Party are missing but from the other side? Exiguous.
This disappearance will go virtually unnoticed because of the manipulated
media and its potentate who controls also the world's assets & armaments -
the ultimate coup d' tat - all without a shot being fired. He will woo the planet,
restore peace to the Middle East for a short time with false promises of pro-
tection as well as rebuild a new Jewish Temple on the destroyed site. The
Islamic world will cheer because their faith has expected this great new leader.
With an appearance before nearly all mankind live on all media (TV, radio, &
even computers on-line), men, women, and children are mesmerized. Stay tuned...
After The Return of The King:
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall
not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they
learn war anymore.