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We have -
Moved To:

The E.Newspaper
By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D.
A.P.E., N.U.T.

Check Out Comments -
Humor + Letters From Readers
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UFO Attack In Paris


Personality Test


In the middle of the table is a round food tray with
five kinds of fruits in it. They are:

A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Strawberry
D. Peach
E. Orange

Which fruit will you choose? PLEASE think very carefully
and don't rush into it. This is great. I was astounded!!!!

Your choice reveals alot about you!!!

Check your answers: HERE!!!



UNC Grad




Helpful Kid Video

Go HERE!!!





New Christian Suffers From Security Police Torture

Five months after he was forcibly committed to a mental hospital
converting from Islam to Christianity, Gasir Mohammed Mahmoud
has been
discharged from his locked psychiatric ward in Cairo and set
Mahmoud was released June 9 from Cairo's El-Khanka Hospital for
Mental and
Neurological Health, where two police officers from his home
city of Suez
had institutionalized him last January. Adopted as an infant,
Mahmoud was raised by [a] Muslim couple, who were
alarmed last December
to learn that he had converted to Christianity two
years earlier. But his father's
angry appeal to local Muslim sheikhs
prompted them to issue death threats
against the son for committing
apostasy. Initially, Mahmoud said, he was
questioned "in a decent way" in front of a
state security officer named
Mohammed Amar.

He was then transferred to
another official who brought two Muslim
sheikhs to talk with him, trying to
convince him to return to Islam.
After eight days' detention, eating only
food that other detainees
shared with him, he was sent to the Suez Security
for an investigation that lasted four days.
Mahmoud¹s supervising
physician, Dr. Nevine, had told him he would never be
allowed to
leave the hospital unless he came back to Islam.

But a round of
international publicity released in May focused
considerable attention on
the case, apparently convincing hospital
authorities to discharge him.
Although Mahmoud¹s mother reserved
a hotel room for him in Cairo after his
release, he has since found
other lodging through Christian friends in the
city. Egyptian law
forbids Muslims the right to change their official religious
when they become Christians, although non-Muslims can freely

convert to Islam and legally change their I.D. cards from Christian

Under the virtual impunity of emergency law regulations, officers
of Egypt's
State Security Investigation regularly harass, interrogate
and arrest Muslim
citizens suspected to have converted to Christianity.
(Egypt - Tuesday June
21, 2005, Compass International)

For further information!!!


George Gershwin

Composer. He is best remembered for his compositions
his equally talented lyricist older brother, Ira Gershwin.
They are responsible for such hit songs as "Someone to
over Me" (1926), "Love Walked In" (1937), "Love is
Here to Stay"
(1937), "Rhapsody in Blue" (1924), and for
such musicals as "Of
Thee I sing" (1931 - the first musical
to ever win a Pulitzer Prize),
and "Porgy and Bess" (1935).
Gershwin songs would find their
way into Hollywood movies
and in numerous remixes by popular
singers continuously
after his death. MORE!!!

Died July 11, 1937

Born September 26, 1898



Dancing Roommate

Click: HERE!!!


Tennis Cyber-Cartoon


UNC Humor

Did you happen to hear about the UNC student who
wanted to sign up to be an organ
donor......but all
she had was a guitar.



Space Shuttle

Watch live coverage directly from NASA’s Web site:




Don't Bother Me!!!




Senate Dems & N.Y. Times Start Inquiry






Engaging the City of Man

The image “http://www.city.sakai.osaka.jp/arekore/profile/img/sigaikan.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

This is no time for silence, and no time for shirking our responsibilities
as law abiding citizens. Ominous signs of moral collapse and cultural
decay now appear on our contemporary horizon. A society ready to put the
institution of marriage up for demolition and transformation is a society
losing its most basic moral sense. A culture ready to treat human embryos
as material for medical experimentation is a society turning its back on
human dignity and the sacredness of human life.




NASA sent shockwaves through the scientific community today by
acknowledging that it could no longer remember why it launched
a space probe over a decade ago.
At the Johnson Space Center,
spokesperson Harrison Froling said that NASA scientists were
"working overtime" to try to remember why the space agency
launched the Explorer 17b on May 17, 1995.
"We are confident
that the Explorer 17b will expand our understanding of the solar
system and the universe," Mr. Froling said. "We're just not sure




How Many Do You Know?

The first president of the United States, George
Washington, was the epitome of humility and
sincerity. These words, spoken from the heart,
come from his inaugural address. How many
do you know?

1. vicissitudes (n.) - A: spiteful actions. B: ups and downs.
C: positive feelings. D: cowardly maneuvers.

2. aver (v.) - A: to declare. B: avoid or prevent. C: show a
dislike. D: openly oppose.

3. supplication (n.) - A: excessive amount. B: important
addition. C: earnest request. D: forced ending.

4. immutable (adj.) - A: weakened. B: biased. C: unchange-
able. D: silent.

5. predilection (n.) - A: introduction. B: prophecy. C: har-
mony. D: preference.

6. transcendent (adj.) - A: always changing. B: beyond ordi-
nary limits. C: lost or displaced. D: written out.

7. discernment (n.) - A: an act of defeat. B: good judgment
or understanding. C: distributed funds. D: debilitating

8. presage (v.) - A: to separate. B: get older. C: make a
prediction. D: intentionally deceive.

9. rectitude (n.) - A: mass destruction. B: anger. C: geo-
graphical measurement. D: moral virtue.

10. magnanimous (adj.) - A: appealing. B: high-minded.
C: secretive. D: in agreement.

11. felicity (n.) - the state of A: feeling happy. B: being
lucky. C: helping others. D: earning wealth.

12. propitious (adj.) - A: foretelling. B: overly sarcastic.
C: confident. D: favorable.

13. despondence (n.) - A: letter writing. B: depression.
C: craving. D: poverty.

14. palliate (v.) - A: to relieve. B: carefully examine.
C: respect or revere. D: apologize.

15. pecuniary (adj.) - A: referring to money. B: acting
strangely. C: educated or refined. D: being a talented cook.

Answers: HERE!!!


A UNC student named Jill calls her friend Linda,
Linda picks up the phone.

Jill says "Do ya wanna go to the mall with me?"
Linda asks "why?"

Jill replies, "I need to study cosmetics"
Linda asks "why"

Jill replies "Well, my english teacher says,
'I have a make-up exam on monday "


Man On The Road

Are you a truck driver? A salesman?
Do you work in the entertainment industry?
If you travel for a living, this is for you.



Feeling Fat???

Have you ever stood in front of your closet and just felt fat?
Me too. I am learning five ways that I can fight the feeling
and make my closet -- and my body -- my friend.



New Book About Islam

1) Mohammed: the "Perfect Man"? Details about his character and in

Mohammed's career of bloody conquest behavior that make him a
dangerous role

2) The roots of Islamic terrorism and violence in the Koran and in

Mohammad's career of bloody conquest.

3) The Crusades: not acts of unprovoked aggression by Europe
against the
Islamic world, but a delayed response to centuries
of Muslim aggression.

4) How the much-ballyhooed (and grossly exaggerated) "Golden Age"
Islamic culture was largely inspired by non-Muslims.

5) The ghastly lure of Islam's X-rated Paradise for suicide bombers
jihad terrorists.

6) Islamic law: how it institutionalizes oppression of Christians,
and other non-Muslims in Islamic societies.

7) How the Koran and Islamic law treat women as nothing more
possessions of men.

8) Why Western leaders who think non-Muslims can "win hearts
and minds"
among Islamic jihadists are naïve.





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1) fussbudget fuss bujjet (noun)
: somebody who typically worries about trivial things

Early 20th century. From budget "bundle."

2) dreck drek (noun)
: worthless trashy stuff, especially low-quality merch-

Early 20th century. From Yiddish drek "filth, dung,"
from Middle High German drec.



Q. What did the limestone say to the geologist?

A. Stop taking me for granite.


Who, What, or Where is this?

I can be used daily.

I come in many different scents.

Most dogs dislike me.

I can take a real shine to you.

I am a liquid.

Kojak sure had no use for me.

I am both cosmetic and hygenic.

I spend most of my time in the shower.

Warren Beatty, in 1975, starred in a movie named for me.

Answer HERE!!!


The Biblical View of Justice

The image “http://www.columbia.edu/cu/iraas/acjpconf/gfx/justice.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

A few weeks ago I participated in "Justice Sunday," a nationwide simulcast

urging Christians to lobby their senators against the Senate's filibuster on
judicial nominations. The next day, I appeared on HARDBALL WITH CHRIS

I argued that justice was getting judges appointed to the court who would
interpret the Constitution instead of making up laws. On the other side was
Albert Pennybacker, a minister representing the Clergy and Laity Network
for Justice. He argued that we need justices who "serve the well-being,
particularly of minority people and people who are in jeopardy." We both
appealed to the same standard: justice.



Jesus said to them all: "If anyone would come after Me,
must deny himself and take up his cross daily and
follow Me.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it,
but whoever
loses his life for Me will save it. --Luke 9:23-24





As eight of the most powerful world leaders were convening in Gleneagles,

Scotland for the G8 Summit trying to figure out how to battle poverty,
salvage human lives, stop the AIDS epidemic in Africa and keep our globe
from warming . . . what does militant Islam do to help? Well, they set off
four bombs in the heart of London killing 50+ people and seriously injuring
over 700.

Being the tough guys and mighty combatants that they are, these “warriors of
god” intentionally targeted civilian men, women and children who were stuck
in mass transit being armed only with briefcases, BlackBerry’s and



Editorial From A Romanian Newspaper

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Why are Americans so united? They don't resemble one another even
if you paint them! They speak all the languages of the world and form
an astonishing mixture of civilizations. Some of them are nearly extinct,
others are incompatible with one another, and in matters of religious
beliefs, only God can count how many they are. Still, the American
tragedy turned three hundred million people into a hand put on the heart.
Nobody rushed to accuse the White House, the army, the secret services
that they are only a bunch of losers. Nobody rushed to empty their bank
accounts. Nobody rushed on the streets nearby to gape about. The Americans
volunteered to donate blood and to give a helping hand. After the first
moments of panic, they raised the flag on the smoking ruins, putting
on T-shirts, caps and ties in the colours of the national flag. They placed
flags on buildings and cars as if in every place and on every car a minister
or the president was passing. On every occasion they started singing their
traditional song: "God Bless America!".


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Tks: Bill


Who's the oldest in the pair?

--1. Charlton Heston or Sean Connery

--2. Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sarah Michelle Gellar

--3. Ben Affleck or Matt Damon

--4. Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock

--5. Charlize Theron or Cameron Diaz

--6. George Clooney or Val Kilmer

--7. Will Ferrell or Will Smith

--8. Coolio or LL Cool J

--9. Conan O'Brien or Craig Kilborn

-10. Diane Sawyer or Connie Chung

Answers: Here!!!


* * * Great Archives Here - - - - "Music That H Enjoys" Below * * *

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Jesus and The Da Vinci Code

How Can I Know God???

Tales of Narnia

Answering Islam

The Da Vinci Code

A Short Look At Six World Religions

Bible - God's Word in different languages...

Bible Study Info

Christian Web Info

Don't Be Left Behind

For The University Crowd

Hard Questions Answered

How to become a Christian

Mr. Contoversial

Great For Kids

Stories For Kids

Bible Knowledge Challenge

The Young Earth Club

Who Is Jesus???

Christian Apologetics

Christian Web Info

God Bless The USA

Great Christians In History

History of American Christianity

Bible Instructions


Dr. Ben Haden

Bible Search Tools

Kids For Truth

Lincoln - A Christian

Mission To America

One Place For Learning

Our Daily Bread

President Lincoln

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Intellectual Takeout

Evangelical Viewpoint

Dr. John Vernon McGee

Insight For Living

Turning Point

Outstanding Bible Teacher

Dr. Tony Evans

Listen To The Bible

Is Jesus God?

Great Bible Teaching

*America - Why I Love Her - Big John Wayne*

The Church & Israel

How To Become A Christian

*Watch The Jesus Movie*


Your very own library

Muhammad or Jesus???

Why The U.S.A. Is At War - 1

Why The U.S.A. Is At War - 2

Christian Women

Is Jesus God?

Statement Of What Howdy Believes!!!

Bible Crosswords

Great Bible Teacher

All About Cults

Religion Comparison

The Relationship of the Church to Israel

Just For Guys

Church History

***Watch The Jesus Movie***
{Many Languages}

Music That Ho Enjoys

God Bless America - Kate Smith

Military Music

Boston Pops: God Bless America

This Land Is Your Land

Blue Moon

Say A Prayer

Hawaii Five O


The Battle Of New Orleans

Beverly Hillbillies

Indiana Jones

James Bond



Mission Impossible

Peter Gunn


Singing In The Rain

Star Wars

Top Gun

Peggy Sue



Chuck Berry

Rock Around The Clock

Dueling Guitars

Blueberry Hill

A Taste Of Honey - clip

(I Left My Heart) In San Francisco - clip

Take The 'A' Train - clip

Hello, Dolly! - clip

Peggy Sue - clip

Theme From Peter Gunn - clip

Song from Moulin Rouge


Ebb Tide

Tara's Theme from Gone with the Wind

Around the World in 80 Days

Breakfast at Tiffany's


The Way We Were

You Do Something to Me



A Foggy Day



Arrivederci Roma

Theme from Moulin Rouge II

Stardust - Big Band



Rhapsody in Blue

Sleepy Lagoon

My Foolish Heart

Lisbon Antigua

La Mer

April in Portugal

Because of You

Poor People of Paris

Unchained Melody

Stranger on the Shore


Maple Leaf Rag

Voices of Spring

Emperor Waltz

Radetzky March

Water Music (Excerpt) George Frideric Handel

Finale - William Tell Overture

Overture - My Fair Lady

The Rain in Spain

The Lonely Bull - Herb Alpert

Tijuana Taxi - Herb Alpert

The Happy Whistler

So Rare

Mona Lisa

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Walk, Don't Run

Wonderland by Night

Canadian Sunset

Blue Tango

The Happy Wanderer

Down Yonder

Midnight in Moscow

Crazy Medley


That's for Me

Quiet Village

Harbor Lights

Dueling Banjoes II

Autumn Leaves

My Foolish Heart

Don't Know Much






Close To You

Rainy Days & Mondays

Sing A Song

Yesterday Once More

We've Only Just Begun

Goodbye To Love

Only You

As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By II

As Time Goes By - Original

After Loving

San Francisco

Stranger In Paradise

Mrs. Howdy

Rags To Riches

The Good Life

Hello Dolly

All Of Me

Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Beyond The Sea

Everybody Loves

Return To Me

That's Amore

Autumn Leaves

Love Me With All Your Heart

If I Give My Heart To You

Autumn Leaves II

Autumn Leaves III

See The USA

My Prayer

You Always Hurt

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Love Me Tender

Its Now Or Never

Old Shep

Dont Be Cruel

When I Fall In Love

When I Fall In Love II

When I Fall In Love III

A Fool Such As I

You'll Never Know


I'm Yours

Wish You Were Here

Lady Of Spain


It's Magic

Secret Love

This Magic Moment

My Prayer

Twilight Time

Great Pretender

Harbor Lights

Little Darlin'


No Other Love

Magic Moments

Till The End Of Time

Dont Let The Stars

Overture - Barber of Seville

Back In The Saddle

You Always Hurt

When I Fall

When A Man

True Love



In The Mood

A Taste Of Honey

The Lonely Bull

Lollipops And Roses

This Guys In Love With You

What Now My Love

Three Coins In The Fountain

You've Gotta Have Heart


Stranger In Paradise II

Love Is...


Georgia On My Mind

Sentimental Over You

Thanks For The Memories

Too Young


Never On Sunday

Yellow Rose Of Texas


My Little Corner

Speak Low

Moments To Remember


Be My Love

Embassy Waltz


A Certain Smile

Chances Are

Not For Me To Say

Stranger On The Shore

I'll Be Seeing You

Cherry Pink


Moonlight Serenade

Last Date

Naughty Lady

Til I Kissed You

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Dixie Land Band

Ghost Riders In The Sky

The Happy Wanderer


Santa Catalina

Band Of Gold

Auld Lang Syne

The Wayward Wind

P.S. I Love You

Harbor Lights

Ebb Tide

Lime Light

Green Door

My Heart Cries

Down Yonder

Silvana Mangano Anna

Does Your Chewing Gum?

Grand Night For Singing

Purple People Eater

Orange Blossom Special

I'll Get By

'Til Then

Katie At UNC

Love Letters

As Time Goes By

Cheek To Cheek

Mission Impossible

The Way You Look Tonight


Glad To Be An American

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

How Great Thou Art

Have Thine Own Way

Beyond The Sunset

Amazing Grace

He's Got The Whole World

Peace In The Valley

How Great Thou Art II

Stars & Stripes Forever

Tennessee Waltz

Beverly Hillbillies Theme

El Paso

Happy Trails

Big John

Sixteen Tons

Which Doctor?

Wonderful! Wonderful!



The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Mr. Sandman

Bad Leroy

Only The Lonely


Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7 - II


I Walk The Line

God loves you so much that He died for you!!!


Click Here

Verse of the Day

* * * Four important things to KNOW: #1) For ALL (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) have sinned & fall short of the glory of God. #2) For the wages of above (see #1) are DEATH (Hell, eternal separation from God, & damnation) but the Gift (free & at no charge to you) of God (Creator, Jehovah, & Trinity) is Eternal Life (Heaven) through (in union with) Jesus Christ (God, Lord, 2nd Person of The Trinity, Messiah, Prince of Peace & Savior of the World). #3) For God so greatly loved & dearly prized the world (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) that He even gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, that whosoever (anyone, anywhere, anytime - while still living) believes (trust in, relies on, clings to, depends completely on) Him shall have eternal (everlasting) life (heaven). #4) Jesus said: "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, & THE LIFE. No one (male/female - American, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Asian, Presbyterian, European, Baptist, Brazilian, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc. ) comes (arrives) to the Father (with GOD in Heaven) EXCEPT BY (through) ME (no other name). *** This wonderful loving GOD gives you the choice - - - (Rev. 3:20) {Please note that church membership, baptism, doing good things, etc. are not requirements for becoming a Christian - however they are great afterwards!!!} *** Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (Hell, damnation, eternal punishment), and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (Heaven, eternal happiness, forever with God), and only a few find it.

D I S C L A I M E R If someone should ask if it's legal to download songs
found on various non-commercial sites, such as this one.

Well, I'm neither a lawyer nor a technician,
and I've begun to wonder if it was legal for
us to tape music off the radio back when
tape recorders first came into being.

And were we committing a crime when we recorded
a movie shown on TV with our VCRs? And was it
really legal to buy a dual-deck recorder for the
express purpose of duplicating cassettes?

My answer to all of the above is, "I don't know."

Nonetheless, here is a formal statement in
some kind of legalize that appears to apply
to this kind of file availability:

The songs on this site are copyrighted by their respective artists and are placed here
for evaluation purposes only. No profits or sales are made on this site from their use.

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