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The first president of the United States, George
Washington, was the epitome of humility and
sincerity. These words, spoken from the heart,
come from his inaugural address. How many
do you know?
1. vicissitudes (n.) - A: spiteful actions. B: ups and downs. C: positive feelings. D: cowardly maneuvers. 2. aver (v.) - A: to declare. B: avoid or prevent. C: show a dislike. D: openly oppose. 3. supplication (n.) - A: excessive amount. B: important addition. C: earnest request. D: forced ending. 4. immutable (adj.) - A: weakened. B: biased. C: unchange- able. D: silent. 5. predilection (n.) - A: introduction. B: prophecy. C: har- mony. D: preference. 6. transcendent (adj.) - A: always changing. B: beyond ordi- nary limits. C: lost or displaced. D: written out. 7. discernment (n.) - A: an act of defeat. B: good judgment or understanding. C: distributed funds. D: debilitating anxiety. 8. presage (v.) - A: to separate. B: get older. C: make a prediction. D: intentionally deceive. 9. rectitude (n.) - A: mass destruction. B: anger. C: geo- graphical measurement. D: moral virtue. 10. magnanimous (adj.) - A: appealing. B: high-minded. C: secretive. D: in agreement. 11. felicity (n.) - the state of A: feeling happy. B: being lucky. C: helping others. D: earning wealth. 12. propitious (adj.) - A: foretelling. B: overly sarcastic. C: confident. D: favorable. 13. despondence (n.) - A: letter writing. B: depression. C: craving. D: poverty. 14. palliate (v.) - A: to relieve. B: carefully examine. C: respect or revere. D: apologize. 15. pecuniary (adj.) - A: referring to money. B: acting strangely. C: educated or refined. D: being a talented cook.
Answers: HERE!!!
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