1) You may praise your good fortune
and curse all you hate,
Yet I rule all your chaos and gamble your fate.
By some I'm avoided by others I'm game,
Called by fat or slim, my meanings the same.
2) Of all the words; we are four
All rhyming down to the core
One is what a pen is for
Another's brightness can't be more
The third is a toy soaring through the wind
The last happens late, you must comprehend
Now tell me what these four words are
And you just might go really far.
3) My first is at the beginning of race,
My second at the end of face.
My third is at the beginning of a word
in a question,
The fourth is in a word for "to question".
My fifth is in race, yet not in ace,
And for the last, I am starting done.
4) Take away my first letter and I remain the same.
Take away my second letter and I remain unchanged.
Take away my third letter and I am unchanged.
Take away all my letters and I am still exactly the same.
What am I?
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“Peace on earth, good will toward men,” they used to say this time of year.
Now the prevalent line seems to be, “I’m offended!”
A very small, but very loud, group of people have decided to further erect
a wall of separation between spirituality and daily life through a secularist
agenda to change Christmas into anything but a religious holiday. On talk
radio, one atheist proclaimed, “The [winter] solstice is the reason for the
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