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Killing Terri Schiavo
Liberals have repeatedly used the talking point of how many judges have heard the case of Terri Schiavo. But that is as misleading as most of the rest of what they and the mainstream media have been saying.
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PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) - After a federal appeals court panel rebuffed them yet again, Terri Schiavo's parents made another desperate attempt to keep their "handicapped" daughter alive, telling a judge that she tried to say "I want to live" just minutes before her feeding tube was removed a week ago.
Pinellas Circuit Judge George Greer was expected to announce a decision by noon Saturday on the motion by Bob and Mary Schindler. The appeal is seen as a long shot because Greer was the judge who ordered Schiavo's feeding tube removed March 18.
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Schiavo’s Date with Death
. Thirty-nine-year-old Terri Schiavo may not live to see her 40th birthday. She's not terminally ill. She's not engaged in inherently dangerous activities. She's not on Death Row.
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Where's Janet???
Where's Janet Reno when we need her??? She could rescue Terri!!!
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Q: What do these people have in common???
1) John Couey 2) House Dems* 3) Campus Libs 4) CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, & N.Y. Times 5) Scott Peterson 6) Howard Dean 7) Der Fuehrer 8) Joseph Stalin 9) George Greer 10) James Whittemore 11) Barney Frank 12) Michael Schiavo
A) If you guessed they like to have people die, you would be right. Unfortunately, they might start the ball rolling for someone you love to be next or maybe me or perhaps you!!!
When the Nazis came to get the gypsies I did not say anything because I was not a gypsy. When they came to get the communists I did not say anything because I was not a communist. When they came to get the Jews I did not say anything because I was not a Jew. When they came to get me there was no one left to stand up for me. - Neimoller
Why are these folks so worried about the way terrorist are treated in prison but don't mind starving a Florida woman who is NOT on life support??? Why do they worry about baby seals & whales but greatly desire the extermination of many many human babies. Tell me why if you know...
*Not all - just a majority.
How Terri Will Die:
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FOX News Exclusive Former nurse alleges that Michael Schiavo abused Terri
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Dear Governor Bush:
. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews* from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? - Es 4:14
*or perhaps the handicapped Terri Schiavo
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