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The E.Newspaper
By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D.
A.P.E., N.U.T.

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Michael & Scott???

She's now starving!!!

Her husband - Michael - who has been living with
another woman
will profit significantly upon her
death - sounds as though
he and Scott Peterson
are good friends.


Some men cannot grasp the commitment involved
in marriage. California’s Scott Peterson, for example,
misunderstood the words “till death do us part” as a
permission slip to murder his wife. Likewise, Michael
Schiavo from Florida, ignoring the lines “in sickness
or in health,” has opted against both fidelity and divorce
in favor of court-sanctioned forced starvation for his wife.


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Don't Let This Woman Die!!!

Important Bulletin - How you can Help
Vatican Appeals for Terri's Life
Actor and Director, Mel Gibson weighs in on Terri's situation
Greer Denies DCF authority
Greer Denies food and water by mouth
Greer Denies new medical tests
Greer Denies motion for relief based on his error
Judge Sets March 18, 2005 death date


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The Purpose Driven Life & The Bible

Ashley Smith said she asked Brian Nichols if she could read.
She retrieved a Bible and a
copy of "The Purpose-Driven Life."
She said he asked her to repeat a
paragraph "about what you
thought your purpose in life was -- what talents
were you given."

Smith said she asked Nichols why he chose her.

"He said he thought I was an angel sent from God, and that I was his sister
and he was my brother in Christ," she said. "And that he was lost, and that
God led him to me to tell him that he had hurt a lot of people."


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Party Riddles 3.17.5

1) Can you decipher this famous saying?

A superabundance of talent skilled in the preparation of
gastronomic concoctions will impair the quality of a certain
potable solution made by immersing a gallinaceous bird in
ebullient Adam's ale.

2) Rearrange the following letters to form a single word


3) My thunder rolls beneath me,
my lightning flares above.
I dust the crust, and when I bust,
all I touch will I shove.
What am I?

4) It is in a rock but not in a stone, it is in
marrow but not in a bone. It is in a bolster
but not in a bed, it is not living, nor is it
dead. What is it?

5) Name 3 things that have eyes, yet cannot see.

Answers below - Look for the UNC prof!!!


What Eggs???


Thank You But...


Executive Bathroom


Smith Is Cheating

Jones jumped up from the card table white with rage.
"Stop this game," he shouted, "Smith is cheating!"

"How do you know?"

"He's not playing the hand I dealt him."


If He Is

An essay from G.K. Chesterton begins, "In all
the current controversies
people begin at the
wrong end as readily as at the right end; never

stopping to consider which is really the end."
In a world impressed with
its ability to create
and own high-tech carts, putting the cart before
horse is beginning to seem natural. Even
thoughtful people seem to have
forgotten how
to think. Chesterton continues, "One very
common form of
the blunder is to make modern
conditions an absolute end and then try to

fit human necessities to that end, as if they
were only a means. Thus
people say, 'Home
life is not suited to the business life of today.'
is as if they said, 'Heads are not suited
to the sort of hats now in
fashion.'" Cutting
off heads to meet the shrinkage of hats is hardly

fixing what we might call the "Hat Problem."

This reverse of end and means is not entirely
a modern problem, though the trend does
seem to be increasing. As C.S. Lewis once
observed, logic seems no longer to be valued
as a subject in our schools. This is startling
you consider how much we seem to
value the constant surge of information.



The Real Saint Patrick

Apostle to the Irish



A Clean House



Between Two Crashes

The image “http://www.pilotweb.ch/tomcat/images/AppG14R/small_big_AUT_1495.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

It was one of those unexpected phone
calls that leaves you stunned. Our friend
Curt, one of the most experienced private
pilots we know, had crashed two hours
earlier. He was landing on a grass strip
near his home, a strip where he had
landed hundreds of times. This time
he somehow went into a skid that
propelled his plane right into a tree.
The plane caught fire and then it
exploded. And our friend Curt was
in heaven. As a beloved leader in our
community, his death rocked a lot of
us. Because of a collapsed wheel, he
had been in a crash fourteen months
earlier actually; one which should
have been fatal but from which he
escaped with serious but survivable
injuries. I can't tell you how grateful
I am that he didn't die then. Something
very important happened between
those two crashes.

MORE: http://xrl.us/fgoq





Delayed Take Off



UNC Grad Calling Support

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Kitty Litter

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1) You walka pasta da bakery.

2) You walka pasta da candy store.

3) You walka pasta da Ice Cream shop.

4) You walka pasta da table and fridge.

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The Supreme Court Strikes Again

Justice Anthony Kennedy emerged as one of the
leading advocates for the Court's imposition of
its own morality in the place of elected legislators.
In Roper v. Simmons, Kennedy has once again
shown himself to be one of the most dangerous
legal activists of our times, ready to impose his
own sense of morality and law upon the rest of
society, putting the Supreme Court in the place
of the legislatures and the Justices' dictates in
the place of reasoned national debate.

MORE: http://xrl.us/ffy2

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Adjust The Tension

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Riddle Answers 3.17.5

1) Can you decipher this famous saying?

A superabundance of talent skilled in the preparation of
gastronomic concoctions will impair the quality of a certain
potable solution made by immersing a gallinaceous bird in
ebullient Adam's ale.

2) Rearrange the following letters to form a single word


3) My thunder rolls beneath me,
my lightning flares above.
I dust the crust, and when I bust,
all I touch will I shove.
What am I?

4) It is in a rock but not in a stone, it is in
marrow but not in a bone. It is in a bolster
but not in a bed, it is not living, nor is it
dead. What is it?

5) Name 3 things that have eyes, yet cannot see.


1) Too many cooks spoil the broth.
3) A Volcano
4) The letter "R".
5) Needle. Storm. Potato.



Chances of a Man Winning an Argument

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How True It Is!!!

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The Real Million Dollar Baby

Hilary Swank as Maggie in Warner Bros. Million Dollar Baby

Read HERE!!!

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Excuse Me...

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Lizard Bummer

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The Avalanche Zone

The image “http://www.vacationcoupons.com/photos/gen/vr_sc_jaffleck2web.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

He was having a great day on the slopes, and lots
of new snow was there, an already deep base; it was
just the kind of day an experienced skier would hope
for. But then this one skier decided he wanted more.
He skied onto another part of the mountain - a section
that was clearly marked with this large skull-and-
crossbones sign with a warning about going any
farther written in bold print: "You may die. You
decide." Sadly, that skier decided to ski where
he never should have gone. Then came the
massive avalanche that drove him headlong
into a tree and buried him in a snowy grave.



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The Light and the Hand

I lifted my camera to the bud of a
lilac-colored hibiscus. As it waved

eagerly in the breeze, I steadied the
branch with my hand. Widening the

aperture of the lens, I snapped the
shot and captured the star-shape

center hiding shyly in a cone of
mauve-purple petals.

A professional photographer later
commented on my photograph.
"I like the
use of light source from
the lower left corner." Light source?
No, the
sun was behind me on the
right shining down on the flower.
There was no
light source on the
lower left. I chuckled, "That is
actually my hand
blurred out of
focus. The light you see is just a
reflection on the hand
that was
steadying the branch." He replied,
"Appears to be a spiritual


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Seven Wonders of the World


Very Old

Dear Howdy,
I'm so old that I can remember when boys wanted
to date girls & vice-versa...
Windy Glasgow


Is the God Of Muhammad
The Father Of Jesus?

The image “http://www.cs.utah.edu/~hans/2000/israel-jerusalem-mosque.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Answer HERE!!!

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The Other Side

A sick man turned to his doctor as he was preparing to leave
the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die.
Tell me what lies on the other side."

Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't know."

"You don't know? You, a Christian man, do not know what
is on the other side?"

The doctor was holding the handle of the door; on the other
side of which came a sound of scratching and whining, and
as he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room and
leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.

Turning to the patient, the doctor said, "Did you notice my
dog? He's never been in this room before. He didn't know
what was inside. He knew nothing except that his master
was here, and when the door opened, he sprang in without
fear. I know little of what is on the other side of death, but
I do know one thing...I know my Master is there and that
is enough."

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Tales of Narnia

Answering Islam

The Da Vinci Code

A Short Look At Six World Religions

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History of American Christianity

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Dr. Ben Haden

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Kids For Truth

Lincoln - A Christian

Mission To America

One Place For Learning

Our Daily Bread

President Lincoln

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Intellectual Takeout

Evangelical Viewpoint

Dr. John Vernon McGee

Insight For Living

Turning Point

Outstanding Bible Teacher

Dr. Tony Evans

Listen To The Bible

Is Jesus God?

Great Bible Teaching

*America - Why I Love Her - Big John Wayne*

The Church & Israel

How To Become A Christian

*Watch The Jesus Movie*


Your very own library

Muhammad or Jesus???

Why The U.S.A. Is At War - 1

Why The U.S.A. Is At War - 2

Christian Women

Is Jesus God?

Statement Of What Howdy Believes!!!

Bible Crosswords

Great Bible Teacher

All About Cults

Religion Comparison

The Relationship of the Church to Israel

Just For Guys

Church History

***Watch The Jesus Movie***
{Many Languages}

Music That Ho Enjoys

God Bless America - Kate Smith

Military Music

Boston Pops: God Bless America

This Land Is Your Land

Blue Moon

Say A Prayer

Hawaii Five O


The Battle Of New Orleans

Beverly Hillbillies

Indiana Jones

James Bond



Mission Impossible

Peter Gunn


Singing In The Rain

Star Wars

Top Gun

Peggy Sue



Chuck Berry

Rock Around The Clock

Dueling Guitars

Blueberry Hill

A Taste Of Honey - clip

(I Left My Heart) In San Francisco - clip

Take The 'A' Train - clip

Hello, Dolly! - clip

Peggy Sue - clip

Theme From Peter Gunn - clip

Song from Moulin Rouge


Ebb Tide

Tara's Theme from Gone with the Wind

Around the World in 80 Days

Breakfast at Tiffany's


The Way We Were

You Do Something to Me



A Foggy Day



Arrivederci Roma

Theme from Moulin Rouge II

Stardust - Big Band



Rhapsody in Blue

Sleepy Lagoon

My Foolish Heart

Lisbon Antigua

La Mer

April in Portugal

Because of You

Poor People of Paris

Unchained Melody

Stranger on the Shore


Maple Leaf Rag

Voices of Spring

Emperor Waltz

Radetzky March

Water Music (Excerpt) George Frideric Handel

Finale - William Tell Overture

Overture - My Fair Lady

The Rain in Spain

The Lonely Bull - Herb Alpert

Tijuana Taxi - Herb Alpert

The Happy Whistler

So Rare

Mona Lisa

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Walk, Don't Run

Wonderland by Night

Canadian Sunset

Blue Tango

The Happy Wanderer

Down Yonder

Midnight in Moscow

Crazy Medley


That's for Me

Quiet Village

Harbor Lights

Dueling Banjoes II

Autumn Leaves

My Foolish Heart

Don't Know Much






Close To You

Rainy Days & Mondays

Sing A Song

Yesterday Once More

We've Only Just Begun

Goodbye To Love

Only You

As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By II

As Time Goes By - Original

After Loving

San Francisco

Stranger In Paradise

Mrs. Howdy

Rags To Riches

The Good Life

Hello Dolly

All Of Me

Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Beyond The Sea

Everybody Loves

Return To Me

That's Amore

Autumn Leaves

Love Me With All Your Heart

If I Give My Heart To You

Autumn Leaves II

Autumn Leaves III

See The USA

My Prayer

You Always Hurt

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Love Me Tender

Its Now Or Never

Old Shep

Dont Be Cruel

When I Fall In Love

When I Fall In Love II

When I Fall In Love III

A Fool Such As I

You'll Never Know


I'm Yours

Wish You Were Here

Lady Of Spain


It's Magic

Secret Love

This Magic Moment

My Prayer

Twilight Time

Great Pretender

Harbor Lights

Little Darlin'


No Other Love

Magic Moments

Till The End Of Time

Dont Let The Stars

Overture - Barber of Seville

Back In The Saddle

You Always Hurt

When I Fall

When A Man

True Love



In The Mood

A Taste Of Honey

The Lonely Bull

Lollipops And Roses

This Guys In Love With You

What Now My Love

Three Coins In The Fountain

You've Gotta Have Heart


Stranger In Paradise II

Love Is...


Georgia On My Mind

Sentimental Over You

Thanks For The Memories

Too Young


Never On Sunday

Yellow Rose Of Texas


My Little Corner

Speak Low

Moments To Remember


Be My Love

Embassy Waltz


A Certain Smile

Chances Are

Not For Me To Say

Stranger On The Shore

I'll Be Seeing You

Cherry Pink


Moonlight Serenade

Last Date

Naughty Lady

Til I Kissed You

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Dixie Land Band

Ghost Riders In The Sky

The Happy Wanderer


Santa Catalina

Band Of Gold

Auld Lang Syne

The Wayward Wind

P.S. I Love You

Harbor Lights

Ebb Tide

Lime Light

Green Door

My Heart Cries

Down Yonder

Silvana Mangano Anna

Does Your Chewing Gum?

Grand Night For Singing

Purple People Eater

Orange Blossom Special

I'll Get By

'Til Then

Katie At UNC

Love Letters

As Time Goes By

Cheek To Cheek

Mission Impossible

The Way You Look Tonight


Glad To Be An American

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

How Great Thou Art

Have Thine Own Way

Beyond The Sunset

Amazing Grace

He's Got The Whole World

Peace In The Valley

How Great Thou Art II

Stars & Stripes Forever

Tennessee Waltz

Beverly Hillbillies Theme

El Paso

Happy Trails

Big John

Sixteen Tons

Which Doctor?

Wonderful! Wonderful!



The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Mr. Sandman

Bad Leroy

Only The Lonely


Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7 - II


I Walk The Line

God loves you so much that He died for you!!!


Click Here

Verse of the Day

* * * Four important things to KNOW: #1) For ALL (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) have sinned & fall short of the glory of God. #2) For the wages of above (see #1) are DEATH (Hell, eternal separation from God, & damnation) but the Gift (free & at no charge to you) of God (Creator, Jehovah, & Trinity) is Eternal Life (Heaven) through (in union with) Jesus Christ (God, Lord, 2nd Person of The Trinity, Messiah, Prince of Peace & Savior of the World). #3) For God so greatly loved & dearly prized the world (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) that He even gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, that whosoever (anyone, anywhere, anytime - while still living) believes (trust in, relies on, clings to, depends completely on) Him shall have eternal (everlasting) life (heaven). #4) Jesus said: "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, & THE LIFE. No one (male/female - American, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Asian, Presbyterian, European, Baptist, Brazilian, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc. ) comes (arrives) to the Father (with GOD in Heaven) EXCEPT BY (through) ME (no other name). *** This wonderful loving GOD gives you the choice - - - (Rev. 3:20) {Please note that church membership, baptism, doing good things, etc. are not requirements for becoming a Christian - however they are great afterwards!!!} *** Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (Hell, damnation, eternal punishment), and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (Heaven, eternal happiness, forever with God), and only a few find it.

D I S C L A I M E R If someone should ask if it's legal to download songs
found on various non-commercial sites, such as this one.

Well, I'm neither a lawyer nor a technician,
and I've begun to wonder if it was legal for
us to tape music off the radio back when
tape recorders first came into being.

And were we committing a crime when we recorded
a movie shown on TV with our VCRs? And was it
really legal to buy a dual-deck recorder for the
express purpose of duplicating cassettes?

My answer to all of the above is, "I don't know."

Nonetheless, here is a formal statement in
some kind of legalize that appears to apply
to this kind of file availability:

The songs on this site are copyrighted by their respective artists and are placed here
for evaluation purposes only. No profits or sales are made on this site from their use.

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