We have - Moved To: http://professor-howdy.blogspot.com/
The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
************************ Check Out Comments - Humor + Letters From Readers Add Something Yourself ************************
Letters To Howdy
Dear Howdy,
You really, really are from North Carolina, aren't you? So am I - though I was born in South Carolina. My sister is one of the down Easterners and her sons all went to UNC. They all begin their phone conversations with He-e-ey!
I do enjoy Thought & Humor. Gives me a little touch of home every week.
Audrey in Georgia
Dear Howdy,
There are many times that I am unable to spend time reading your web site (blog if you will). I would have this sent to my home but my eyes cannot stand the strain of reading so many interesting things even over the period of a week.
Even though I am not able to read all, I enjoy all that I am able to read. I believe that you have a wonderful mix of humor, thought, spreading the Gospel and in general, a really wonderful refreshing breath of CLEAN air (message) in this world so full of the filth of Satan.
May the good Lord bless you and bless you and bless you again.
William M.
Dear Mr. Howdy:
I read your "letter to the editor" section today. Several people asked to unsubscribe, and you responded by attacking their beliefs, without clearly stating that you were unsubscribing them. When people ask to unsubscribe, you should graciously unsubscribe them. Just say "thank you for reading" and "we have taken you off the list".
Personally, I disagree with your politics, your religion, and your "science". However, I do like your jokes, and I appreciate your efforts. Keep the e-mails coming.
Bill D.
Hey Bill,
Thanks for the nice words about my corny humor. Our extensive mailing list is on Yahoo for that very reason - so that anyone can unsubscribe automatically anytime they wish. These folks were having trouble because they had a "forwarding address" which required a personal effort from me and I accommodated them (but will miss them).
Tell me sometime how you disagree with my belief on/in Jesus Christ...