Please tell us your general location (State, School, Country). All letters sent to Howdy might be printed unless you request otherwise. Letters marked "anonymous" may be printed but without the name. Your e-mail address will not be shown. Tell us what's happening in your locale!!!
Dear Howdy,
What you provide each week most do not understand. The joy to be able to read an email that does not need work, that are not work related and provide an uplift for all that read are what everyone need to keep them ready to do the work that they are needed to to.
Thank you for helping me to laf at myself, at others and with others due to seeing into all that we read as something that may have happened to them, or ourselves once back in the webs of our inner brain.
Have a great day. Richard Miller University of Alaska
Hello from Moore County NC. My uncle in Florida forwarded ***Thought and Humor*** to me.
How can I get on your mailing list?
Regards, Delaney
Dear Howdy,
I work in the Toy Department at a Walmart, and one day I was asked to do a price check. The cashier explained to me that a customer wanted to buy some puzzles, priced at 4 for $5.00, but they were ringing up at $1.25 a piece. Apparently neither the customer nor the cashier ever made it through sixth grade math.
Julia G. (Tx)
Dear Howdy,
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.
Hi Howdy,
My dental hygienist is cute. Every time I visit, I eat a whole package of Oreo cookies while waiting in the lobby. Some- times she has to cancel the rest of the afternoon's appointments.
Steven Wright
Dear Howdy,
Your blog site is impossible. The page freezes and the scroll bars won't move so you cannot really enter or exit. Is there some hidden meaning in this? Or, is this my computer or how you made it? Why am I reading a conservative site from a man who lives in North Carolina, or Virginia, is 56, or 22, or 61? I'm nuts!
this is an interesting way to do this! I have NEVER been a "blogger" -- probably cuz I don't have the time! I am connected to the UNC system (T1, I think), and I had a small amount of trouble getting the page loaded. It took longer and tied up my whole computer. (My mouse froze up.) I like the ways each section is divided and available for comment. Does that make it easier for you to read the responses? The format is neat and tidy, too. Would people with "text-only" requests have trouble with this? I will try the blog at home in the next few days to see how this works with my dial-up connection there. Is that helpful?
Dear Howdy,
I looked at your blog site and I think it's a good idea. I've had to use the text-only version of your newsletter because the graphic version was too big for my email system. This will eliminate that problem and I'll be able to see the pictures. However, I have some comments: Stand up, raise your right hand, and repeat after me: "I will never use the color pink for any text ever again". It's completely impossible to read. Further, you need to take a better look at combinations of colors you use. White text on a blue background is hard to read. Watch your font sizes. Some of them are so small that they can't be read. My eyes have been working for over sixty years so they're getting a little tired. Nothing should be smaller than 10-point. Also watch the big fonts. Some of those were so large that they overlapped adjacent letters making the whole thing impossible to read. You also used some fonts that are very hard to read. Just because it exists doesn't mean you should use it. Keep it simple. Keep up the good work. I look forward to the blog version. Bob W. Cary, NC; NCSU fan
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