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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
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Cyber -Thought
No, America isn't Nazi Germany! Yet what is happening here makes me very uncomfortable. Terri Schiavo wanted to live. Her parents wanted to take care of her. But Terri was an inconvenience to her husband and "the system" favored him. But this battle wasn't just for Terri. It's was a battle to stop America from going further down a slippery slope that disregards human life. Since America's leaders, doctors, lawyers, and judges, allowed her to die in the terrible "prescribed manner"--by starvation and dehydration-- have we sunk to the level of barbarians? Terrorists have gotten better treatment and a greater outcry than Terri. Two terrorists killed over 240 people in Africa in 1998. They were brought to America for trial and after seven months of court pleading, their lives were spared in spite of the fact that they had been planning to destroy us indiscriminately. Timothy McVeigh was a co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995. He was given a quick, painless, lethal injection that brought almost instant, peaceful death. Criminals and terrorists at Abu Grhaib prison were humiliated by a few bad apples in the U.S. military and the world collectively excoriated America at the inhumane abuse of these men. Civil liberties' activists are characteristically set into hysteria the moment an al-Qaida terrorist is rumored to have been sent to bed without dinner. Do you get the point? Now that Terri Schiavo has been executed--and yes, that is the proper word--are we any better than the savages we are fighting in the war on terror? If America and the world have pity and mercy on thugs and terrorists and not on a defenseless woman who has not had a proper diagnosis or treatment (thanks to her husband), I shudder to think of the repercussions that could come upon our nation. MORE!!!