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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
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The more I've learned about eagles, the more amazing I find them to be. They mate for life, they build nests that will last a lifetime, they ride the storm instead of hiding from the storm. There's really only one enemy that is a serious danger to the eagle - a snake. That snake will attempt to climb wherever the eagle nest is and attack the inhabitants - especially the little eaglets. But pity the poor snake that gets caught by Mama or Papa Eagle. They will show the serpent no mercy. They may pick it up with their beak and violently shake it to death. Or, better yet, they will pick it up in their talons, take off high into the air, and drop that snake to its death on the rocks below. They are not about to let that serpent have what he came for.
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