We have - Moved To: http://professor-howdy.blogspot.com/
The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
************************ Check Out Comments - Humor + Letters From Readers Add Something Yourself ************************
Letters To Howdy
. Your blog is not funny. I mean that. I'm not just writing that to 'get at you'. It really isn't funny. It would be funny if I was an innocnet, perhaps. But I am not. I am a dirty minded filthy little _____. I am more at home with swear words than I am with happy clappy hand holding rubbish.
Please go away. You are very annoying.
Di Gallagher (Australia)
Thanks Howdy Guy for landing on my blog and signing-in with your comments. When I grow up - I wanna be just like you. You're Bad. You're Nationwide.
I have now bookmarked your site and will check-in often and tell others also. Its a Hoot!
Thank you very much for your comments. Though I think I need a little help with this sentence: “Please remember to never restrict anyone's opportunities for ascertaining uninterrupted existence for their quintessence.” That one went straight over my head. In fact if I didn’t duck it might’ve knocked me out. So technically, I willingly chose to let it go over my head by ducking. But I have mustered my courage now and I am curious about the meaning of the sentence. Also, if you have time, what inspired you to start your blog (ilovehowdy.blogspot.com)? Is there a specific hope or goal for your blog? It seems like an excellent blog. Thank you for your time Howdy, Alpha Otter
Hi Howdy,
Can you put me back on your email list? It somehow got removed......and I really miss those UNC jokes....and of course, all the other great stuff.
Lisa University of Wyoming
I still really enjoy your blog, but is the music necessary? I view your blog in my office and never remember to hit the mute button until after the music has started. I'd rather not let my coworkers know that I'm not really working. 8-)
Bob Warner
I'm sorry Bob I just really like the music...Please forgive & be very careful at work:O)
howdy hello i would like to thank you for your very uplifting comment. im glad you think much of my blog. i too have recently checked out your blog and humor group websites and have enjoyed them both thoroughly. may i ask what about my site you enjoyed or agreed with? i was also wondering if you could add me to your mailing list? on a final note would you be willing to add a link to my site on your blog or mailing list. i would do the same for you. thank you and best of luck shortedaman http://www.enlightenmentjourney.blogspot.com/
Howdy, Thank you for your most thoughtful message. I will do all I can to help those who strive for whatever it is they seek while we all sort through the straws in that great haystack called life. Dick
Hello! It's not the words of the comment you left on my blog, earlier today, that I don't understand. That's just fine. It's the, should I say "hidden message", the depth, that I seem to fail to capture.
Best wishes, cap
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, I took a gander at yours, it was amusing. So what is this thought and humor club-thing you talk about, it's sounds fascinating.
Hi Amanda,
'Thought & Humor' is undoubtedly America’s fastest growing sensation online. It winds its way through the Internet’s highways and byways to many e-mail address all over the known world and is a unique blend of the jocular with provocative rumination for everyones weekly entertainment - usually platitudinous & bromidic but never nefarious, prurient, besmeared, or perfidious and delivered gratis to offices, homes & dorms ubiquitously....
i thoroughly enjoyed your blog, where do you find the time though?
have a nice day margot
Dear Howdy,
Sometimes I must take a break to clear my mind of the task at hand. At these times, I read as much of “Thoughts and Humor” as I can fit into a few moments. The humor is always refreshing and the thoughts are deep and bring to mind the real purpose of our being. This is time well spent. To refresh my mind with humor and to take time to reflect upon our Savior, time well spent indeed. A little prayer and back to all those pressing tasks at hand. Refreshed and reminded that our Lord is watching over us and if we will only listen, he will guide us. The mountains never seem as high after that.
Thanks! Robert W. Foster
thanks Howdy for dropping your note!
you too have a riveting web log, with a great flair for communicating in this cutting-edge medium, that belies a super ego obsessed with righting the wrongs of society and the ills of human nature. I tip my hat to how you wisely proselytize your Christian agenda under the benevolent window-dressing of humor, brain-teasers, & riddles. This is a noble calling...
--peace Gil
Here's the message I leave on other BLOGs: ........Do you know why I leave it???
You have a riveting web log and undoubtedly must have atypical & quiescent potential for your intended readership. May I suggest that you do everything in your power to honor your Designer/Architect as well as your audience. Please remember to never restrict anyone's opportunities for ascertaining uninterrupted existence for their quintessence.
Best wishes for continued ascendancy, Howdy Editor