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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
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Riddles For You CyberRiddles
1) Taller than the tallest tree, Yet lighter than the lightest bee. You see it here, you see it there, You see it ALMOST everywhere. Like the chameleon, it changes colors, Red, purple, blue and others. It was there at dawning light, It will be there at deep, dark night.
2) What 5-letter word using all capital letters looks the same upside down?
3) In an unabridged dictionary, what 3 letter word has the most definitions?
4) Here on Earth it's almost always true, that tomorrow will follow today. Yet there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where is this place?
5) Old Mother Suzie had but one eye, And a long tail that she would let fly. Every time she went over a gap, Part of her tail would get caught in a trap. Who is Mother Suzie?
(Answers below - scroll down - look for UNC prof.)