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By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D.
A.P.E., N.U.T.
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Music of Poetry Word Quiz
There's music in words, especially in the cadences of poetry,
from which the verbs in this quiz come. How many do you know? 1. vegetate - A: to be passive. B: be health conscious. C: eat no meat. D: rest. 2. sedate - A: to calm. B: give up. C: sit. D: keep under control. 3. stipulate - A: to undertake. B: be firm. C: specify. D: fasten tightly. 4. acclimate - A: to moderate. B: acquire. C: reach a climax. D: adapt to. 5. berate - A: to underestimate. B: scold. C: make the cry of a donkey. D: classify. 6. relegate - A: to control by rules. B: act as a spokesman. C: put off or delay. D: send away. 7. equivocate - A: to stir up. B: be evasive. C: balance out. D: see all sides of a question. 8. renovate - A: to change. B: restore. C: replace. D: examine. 9. precipitate - A: to cause to happen. B: leap. C: clarify. D: make public. 10. exonerate - A: to become larger. B: free from blame. C: compliment excessively. D: destroy utterly. 11. innovate - A: to give courage to. B: study the cosmos. C: re-establish. D: introduce something new. 12. extrapolate - A: to firm up. B: estimate. C: remove from. D: add to. 13. satiate - A: to desire. B: be cruel. C: use ridicule. D: glut. 14. recapitulate - A: to surrender. B: be indecisive. C: summarize. D: retract. 15. undulate - A: to quiver and quake. B: move in waves. C: revolve around. D: become seasick. 16. gesticulate - A: to frown. B: develop slowly. C: make expressive gestures. D: pronounce distinctly. 17. immolate - A: to offer in sacrifice. B: keep from moving. C: immerse completely. D: shield from. 18. militate - A: to challenge. B: lay down the law. C: arbitrate. D: influence against. 19. crenelate - A: to wrinkle. B: notch. C: decorate with ribbons. D: do brain studies. 20. perpetuate - A: to cause to continue. B: sulk. C: impose. D: bring about. (Answers are located below)
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