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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
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Sandra Day O'Connor
Sandra Day O'Connor has split the scene. A lawyer has quit a court. She's on a plane to Minneapolis, it is said. She's not even in town, yet all the news cameras are focused outside her vacant home, and all of this hysteria. This is going to go on all day long, and all of this hysteria? We don't even have a nominee yet, and it's breathless out there, this hysteria. One person, one lawyer, folks, has quit the Supreme Court -- and look it, this is a great way to illustrate the point that a number of us have been trying to make for a few weeks now, months, even years on the whole concept of judicial activism, because this hysteria, this interest, this breathlessness, shows how a bunch of unelected judges have become the final authority in our country, and people crave a final authority, obviously. This illustrates it.
People want somebody that has all the answers, and unfortunately we have invested nine lawyers on the Supreme Court as the nine people who are unelected and unaccountable who have all the answers.
She was a predictable fifth vote for most of the court's activist decisions, and by activist decisions I mean judges imposing their personal professional preferences rather than interpreting the Constitution. Activism is when you forget the Constitution and rewrite it according to your own personal policy preferences, and she was pretty reliable as a fifth vote in that regard.