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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
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Big Ugly Fat Fellow
The longest-serving combat aircraft is the B-52 Stratofortress. Introduced in 1955 and projected for active duty through 2045, it is also able to carry the most diverse range of weapons of any combat aircraft.
Also known as the BUFF (Big Ugly Fat Fellow), the Stratofortress can fly long distances at up to 50,000 feet (15,250 meters). It is a very large plane with a wingspread of 185 feet (56.4 meters) and eight turbofan engines.
Only the crew cabin is pressurized. When the plane is on the ground, the crew cabin's outer skin takes on a wrinkled appearance, but when it is at altitude the interior pressure smoothes the aircraft's skin.
During the Gulf War, several B-52s conducted the longest aerial strike mission in history, making the 35-hour round trip from Barksdale Airforce Base to Iraq and back.