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The E.Newspaper By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D. A.P.E., N.U.T.
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Getting Rid of What You've Hung Onto So Long
Our friend Joy has become a bit of an expert on moving. Her husband is a career Air Force officer, and that means seeing a lot of different places, having a lot of different addresses, and seeing a lot of moving vans in your life. We were talking the other day about their last move and what she considered one of the greatest gifts she's ever been given. It didn't have beautiful wrapping paper or bows on it. In fact, it was a dumpster! That might not sound all that exciting to you, but it was to her! She and her family had so much stuff to move, and every - thing they could get rid of, they didn't have to move. Someone said to her, "I've got this dumpster I'd like to loan to you for your move." Joy said she was over - joyed! She said there was something so exciting about the first thud of the first thing they threw into that dump - ster. Then it was all about lots of thuds as they threw away mountains of stuff. They couldn't wait to go get more.