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We have -
Moved To:

The E.Newspaper
By Dr. Howdy, Ph.D.
A.P.E., N.U.T.

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*Clock: A small mechanical device to wake up people without children.
*Karaoke: A Japanese word meaning "tone deaf".
*Opera: Where a guy gets stabbed in the back and sings about it.
*"Normal": A setting on a washing machine..
*Health: The slowest possible rate of dying.
*Poverty: Having too much month left at the end of the money.
*Boy: A noise with dirt on it.
*Sleep: That fleeting moment just before the alarm goes off.
*Gravity: Not just a good idea, it's the law!
*Gross ignorance: 144 times worse than normal ignorance.

>The difference between a pigeon and the average farmer is that the
pigeon can still make a deposit on a tractor.
>I've learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live
so that no one will believe it.
>I've learned that there are people who love you dearly but just don't
know how to show it.
>By the time you find greener pastures, you can't climb the fence!
>This house is protected by killer dust bunnies.
>Every time I get the urge to exercise, I lie down till the feeling passes.
>If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day, how come nothing in the
store is free yet?
>The only tools one needs in life: WD-40 to make things
go and duct tape to make them stop.
>A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defence.
For more than 40 years kids have been making monsters, dogs, people,
and shapeless blobs out of Play-Doh, a curiously aromatic stuff that
comes in different colors. Today it's a multi-million dollar product
made by Hasbro, but how did it get started?

It happened in Cincinnati, Ohio in the 1950s, and involved a young
man named Joe McVicker. McVicker's sister-in-law was a schoolteacher
who wanted softer clay for her young students, who were having
trouble molding the hard, water-based mineral clay that was used in schools at that time.

McVicker took the request to a biochemist named Tin Liu at his
father's soap and chemical company. Starting with a soft, gooey
substance used to clean wallpaper, Tin Liu came up with Play-Doh.
McVicker marketed the result, and became a millionaire by the time
he was 27. No one seems to know what happened to Tin Liu, who
seldom gets credit as Play-Doh's actual inventor.
Easy Exercises
Physical exercise is good for you. I know that I should do it
daily, but my body doesn't want me to do too much, so I have worked
out this program of strenuous activities that do not require physical exercise.

You are invited to use this program without charge.

1) Beating around the bush
2) Jumping to conclusions
3) Climbing the walls
4) Swallowing my pride
5) Passing the buck
6) Throwing my weight around
7) Dragging my heels
8) Pushing my luck
9) Making mountains out of molehills
10) Hitting the nail on the head
11) Wading through paperwork
12) Bending over backwards
13) Jumping on the bandwagon
14) Balancing the books
15) Running around in circles
16) Eating crow
17) Tooting my own horn
18) Climbing the ladder of success
19) Pulling out the stops
20) Adding fuel to the fire
21) Opening a can of worms
22) Putting my foot in my mouth
23) Starting the ball rolling
24) Going over the edge
25) Picking up the pieces
Laser stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation." A laser beam is produced when light bounces back and
forth between two mirrors with a special medium (gas, liquid, or
solid) between them. As it bounces, the light triggers energized
atoms in the medium to release more light, some of which leaks out
through one of the mirrors to produce the laser beam.

A laser beam is special because all the photons (discrete "particles"
of light energy) in the beam are vibrating in exactly the same
lockstep way. The beam is tightly focused and perfectly aligned
because all the photons are "marching in phase" like soldiers in a troop.

In an ordinary beam of light, the photons vibrate every which way.
Because laser photons are in phase, the beam can stay aligned for
very long distances and it can be focused down to a very tiny spot without losing its alignment.
A Dangerous Compromise : Born Again Isn't What it Used To Be
by Charles Colson

If you were asked what you would call a person who
believes in astrology, reincarnation, and the
possibility of communicating with the dead, your
answer would probably be a "New Ager."

Well, according to a new book, these are just some of
the beliefs held by people who call themselves "born
again Christians" -- which goes to show that simply
calling yourself "born again" doesn't make it so.

In his book, Spiritual Marketplace, sociologist Wade
Clark Roof chronicles the shift in religious
attitudes in contemporary America. Roof finds that,
as a result of the Baby Boomer "quest culture," many
Americans understand religious faith as some sort of
emotional personal experience, which they describe as
"spiritual." And all sorts of strange beliefs can fit under that heading.

By describing themselves as "spiritual" rather than
"religious," these people tell us a lot. The word
"religion," you see, comes from the Latin
word for "to bind." But boomer spirituality distrusts
authority and dismisses the importance of belonging
to a particular church or denomination.

Their emphasis on being spiritual carries with it a
syncretistic approach to belief -- meaning that,
instead of adhering to a specific set of doctrines,
they feel free to pick-and-choose from all the
various belief systems, or to create their own tailor-made religion.

Unfortunately, syncretism has found its way into
evangelical circles, as well. Roof says that many
people who describe themselves as "born again
Christians" actually hold beliefs that are at odds with biblical Christianity.

Some 25 percent of those interviewed in Roof's study
believe in the possibility of communicating with the
dead. A third of them believe in reincarnation and
astrology; and, half say they believe in psychic powers.

Moreover, half said, "the various religions of the
world are 'equally good and true.'" This prompted
Roof to characterize this brand of so-called born-
again Christianity as "markedly different" from
earlier varieties. Or as columnist Terry Mattingly
puts it "born again . . . doesn't mean what it used
to mean." It also tells us that polls of born-again
voters can be very misleading.

Actually, it's not that born-again Christianity has
changed. It's that Roof's subjects, like many of
those who claim to be born-again Christians, actually
practice an entirely different faith.

The situation described by Roof is analogous to the
circumstances confronted in the '20s and '30s by
theologian Gresham Machem. Liberal theologians had
introduced new doctrines and ideas into the Church,
often claiming biblical warrant for these ideas. As a
result, many people were confused by these teachings.

In his classic book, Christianity & Liberalism, Machem
showed that while these ideas might be attractive, they
weren't Christianity. In the same way, while the mixture
of Christianity and other religions may suit the spirit
of our age, it simply isn't born-again Christianity.

We need to remind people lovingly that Christianity
is more than a spiritual experience. It's a
worldview -- a set of beliefs about the God who acted
in history, belief that has been revealed through
Scripture and transmitted by our 2,000-year-old heritage of Western Civilization.

It is these beliefs, and not our "spiritual" feelings, that define what it means to be a
Christian -- no matter what the spirit of the age may tell us.

"BreakPoint with Chuck Colson" ("BreakPoint") is a
daily commentary on news and trends from a Christian
perspective. Heard on more than 425 radio stations
nationwide, BreakPoint transcripts are also available
on the Internet. If you know of others who would
enjoy receiving BreakPoint in their E-mail box each
day, tell them they can sign up on our Web site at
www.breakpoint.org. If they do not have access to
the World Wide Web, please call 1-800-457-6125.
In my personal study of the Ten Commandments, I have learned
four principles that have enhanced my understanding of our heavenly
Father's infinite wisdom and love.

1.God's commandments reveal His character. To me, the most
exciting aspect of the Ten Commandments is what they reveal about
God's character. See how the list from your study for the last habit compares with mine.

We worship a God who is possessive (Exodus 20:3); who is jealous,
in that He hates idolatry (20:4-6); who is holy and honorable,
deserving of respect (20:7); who wants us to preserve the sanctity
of worship and learn to rest in Him (20:8-11); who wants to protect
the family (20:12); who reveres life (20:13); who desires godly
offspring, sexual purity, and holy people (20:14); who delights in
giving gifts and not having them taken away (20:15); who can be
trusted one hundred percent (20:16); who looks on the inner reality
of each heart (20:17).

How do our lists compare? Aren't the Ten Commandments a great
place to start a study on holiness and the character of God?

2.God's commandments provide genuine liberation. Today's society
generates a tremendous sense of bondage. People constantly talk
about their need to break away, to go out on their own and be free.
People believe breaking God's moral law is the road to liberation.
Ironically, all they experience is further enslavement. Only God's
moral laws provide genuine liberation. This seems especially true
in dating and marital relationships.

3.God's commandments provide complete protection. After reading
the Ten Commandments carefully, can you see how God designed them
to protect us socially, politically, economically, and physically?
And most of all, do you see how they protect us spiritually from
our adversary, the devil, who would like nothing better than to destroy us? (1 Peter 5:8).

One of the ways Satan battles us is by tempting us to climb over
one of God's fences. But, as God's servants, we can have victory
because Christ indwells us (1 John 4:4).

4.God's commandments reveal true love. Did you read through the
Ten Commandments to learn what each command reveals about love?
Let's compare lists again.

I reveal my love for the Father by giving Him His unique and
proper supreme place in my life (Exodus 20:3); by not attributing
characteristics to Him that are not revealed in Scripture (20:4-6);
by not grieving the Holy Spirit with an undisciplined tongue (20:7);
by setting aside a day each week for honoring God and fellowshiping
with my family and the family of God (20:8 11); by honoring my
parents, which ultimately reveals God's love toward us in our
older years and His desire that we have happy homes (20:12); by
respecting life and doing to others as we would have them do to us
(20:13); by not playing games with our sexuality (20:14); by
delighting in being generous for the Lord (20:15); by being
trustworthy and God-honoring in our speech (20:16); by being
content, holy, and sanctified through the power of the Holy
Spirit who dwells in us (20:17).

God's commandments also reveal His vast love for us. Because we
could never measure up to His glory and holiness, He provided us
with a Savior--His Son, Jesus Christ. When we repent, seek
forgiveness, and commit ourselves to Christ, He comes to live in
us. It is only then, by His power, that we can live in obedience to
Him and experience His blessing in our lives.
"But Mary treasured up all these things and
pondered them in her heart." - Luke 2:19

"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so
that you do not forget the things your eyes have
seen or let them slip from your heart as long as
you live. Teach them to your children and to
their children after them." - Deuteronomy 4:9
I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can how,
or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass the
way again. - William Penn (Founder of State of Penn.)

A Short Look at Six World Religions: http://www.probe.org/docs/world.html

To request Our Daily Bread online: http://www.rbc.net/order/odb.html
Christian Web Info: http://www.gospelcom.net
Trust in yourself and you are doomed to disappointment;
trust in money and you may have it taken from you;
but trust in God, and you are never to be confounded in
time or eternity. - D.L. Moody
If you have interest in starting a personal relationship
with the Savior: 1-888-NEED-HIM (free call)
Forward to a friend!
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22).
Do you believe in Easter?

This is a true story, one that I promise you will never forget, and one that
will cause you to think of Easter in a totally different light.

The Lady's name was Edith Burns. She was a wonderful Christian who lived in
San Antonio, Texas. She was the patient of a fine Christian doctor by the
name of Will Phillips. Dr. Phillips was a gentle doctor who saw patients as people.

His favorite patient was Edith Burns. One morning he went to his office with
a heavy heart and it was because of Edith Burns. Whence walked into that
waiting room, there sat Edith with her big black Bible in her lap. She was
earnestly talking to a young mother sitting beside her. Dr. Phillips knew why
Edith was there and what she was doing. You see, Edith Burns had a habit of
introducing herself in this way:

"Hello, my name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?"

Then she would explain the meaning of Easter, and many times people would be saved.

Dr. Phillips walked into that office and there he saw the head nurse Beverly.
Beverly had first met Edith when she was taking her blood pressure. Edith
began by saying, "My name is Edith Burns. Do you believe in Easter?"
Beverly said, "Why yes I do."
Edith said, "Well, what do you believe about Easter?"
Beverly said, "Well, it's all about egg hunts, going to church, and dessing up."
Well, Edith kept pressing her about the real meaning of Easter, and finally
led her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Phillips said, "Beverly, don't call Edith into the office quite yet. I
believe there is another delivery taking place in the waiting room."

After being called back in the doctor's office, Edith sat down and when she
took a look at the doctor she said, "Dr. Will, why are you so sad? Are you
reading your Bible? Are you praying?"

Dr. Phillips said, "Now Edith, I'm the doctor and you're the patient."
With a heavy heart he said, "Your lab report came back and it says you have
cancer, and Edith, you're not going to live very long."

Edith said, "Why Will Phillips, shame on you. Why are you so sad? Do you
think God makes mistakes? You have just told me I'm going to see my precious
Lord Jesus, my husband, and my friends. You have just told me that I am going
to celebrate Easter forever, and here you are having difficulty giving me my ticket!"

Dr. Phillips thought to himself, "What a magnificent woman this Edith Burns is!"

Edith continued coming to Dr. Phillips every day. Christmas came and the
office was closed through January 3rd. On the day the office opened, Edith
did not show up. Later that afternoon, Edith called Dr.Phillips and said she
would have to be moving her story to the hospital and said, "Will, I'm very
near home, so would you make sure that they put women in here next to me in
my room who need to know about Easter."

Well, they did just that and women began to come in and share that room with
Edith. Many women were gloriously saved. Everybody on that floor from staff
to patients were so excited about Edith, that they started calling her Edith
Easter; everyone except Phyllis Cross, the head nurse. She made it plain that
she wanted nothing to do with Edith because she was a "religious nut". She
had been a nurse in an army hospital. She had seen it all and heard it all.
She was the original G.I. Jane. She had been married three times, she was
hard, cold, and did everything by the book.

Well, one morning the two nurses who were to attend to Edith were sick. Edith
had the flu and Phyllis Cross had to go in and give her a shot.

When she walked in, Edith had a big smile on her face and said, "Phyllis, God
loves you and I love you, and I have been praying for you."

Phyllis Cross said, "Well, you can quit praying for me, you religious nut, it
won't work. I'm not interested."

Edith said, "Well, I will pray and I have asked God not to let me go home
until you come into the family."

Phyllis Cross said, "Then you will never die because that will never happen."
She walked out of the room.

Every day Phyllis Cross would walk into that room and Edith would say, "God
loves you Phyllis and I love you, and I'm praying for you."

One day Phyllis Cross said she was literally drawn to Edith's room like a
magnet would draw iron. She sat down on the bed and Edith said, "I'm so glad
you have come, because God told me that today is your special day."

Phyllis Cross said, "Edith, you have asked everybody here the question, 'Do
you believe in Easter?' but you have never asked me."

Edith said, "Phyllis, I wanted to many times, but God told me to wait until
you asked, and now that you have asked..."

Edith Burns took her Bible and shared with Phyllis Cross the Easter Story of
the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Edith said, "Phyllis, do you believe in Easter? Do you believe that Jesus
Christ is alive and that He wants to live in your heart?"

Phyllis Cross said, "Oh I want to believe that with all of my heart, and I do
want Jesus in my life." Right there, Phyllis Cross prayed and invited Jesus
Christ into her heart. For the first time Phyllis Cross did not walk out of a
hospital room, she was carried out on the wings of angels.

Two days later, Phyllis Cross came in and Edith said, "Do you know what day it is?"
Phyllis Cross said, "Why Edith, it's Good Friday."
Edith said, "Oh, no, for you every day is Easter. Happy Easter Phyllis!"

Well, two days later, on Easter Sunday, Phyllis Cross came into work, did
some of her duties and then went down to the flower shop and got some Easter
lilies because she wanted to go up to see Edith and give her some Easter
lilies and wish her a Happy Easter. When she walked into Edith's room, Edith
was in bed. That big black Bible was on her lap. Her hands were in that
Bible. There was a sweet smile on her face. When Phyllis Cross went to pick
up Edith's hand, she realized Edith was dead.

Her left hand was on John 14: "In my Father's house are many mansions. I go
to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that
where I am, there you may be also."

Her right hand was on Revelation 21:4, " And God will wipe away every tear
from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and
there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

Phyllis Cross took one look at that dead body, and then lifted her face
toward heaven, and with tears streaming down here cheeks, said,
"Happy Easter, Edith - Happy Easter!"

Well, Phyllis Cross left Edith's body, walked out of the room, and over to a
table where two student nurses were sitting. She said, "My name is Phyllis
Cross. Do you believe in Easter?"

In the last habit, we considered how people often turn God's
commandments into oppressive legalism when God meant them to liberate us!

In my personal study of the Ten Commandments, I have learned
four principles that have enhanced my understanding of our heavenly
Father's infinite wisdom and love.

1.God's commandments reveal His character. To me, the most
exciting aspect of the Ten Commandments is what they reveal about
God's character. See how the list from your study for the last habit
compares with mine.

We worship a God who is possessive (Exodus 20:3); who is jealous,
in that He hates idolatry (20:4-6); who is holy and honorable,
deserving of respect (20:7); who wants us to preserve the sanctity
of worship and learn to rest in Him (20:8-11); who wants to protect
the family (20:12); who reveres life (20:13); who desires godly
offspring, sexual purity, and holy people (20:14); who delights in
giving gifts and not having them taken away (20:15); who can be
trusted one hundred percent (20:16); who looks on the inner reality
of each heart (20:17).

How do our lists compare? Aren't the Ten Commandments a great
place to start a study on holiness and the character of God?

2.God's commandments provide genuine liberation. Today's society
generates a tremendous sense of bondage. People constantly talk
about their need to break away, to go out on their own and be free.
People believe breaking God's moral law is the road to liberation.
Ironically, all they experience is further enslavement. Only God's
moral laws provide genuine liberation. This seems especially true
in dating and marital relationships.

3.God's commandments provide complete protection. After reading
the Ten Commandments carefully, can you see how God designed them
to protect us socially, politically, economically, and physically?
And most of all, do you see how they protect us spiritually from
our adversary, the devil, who would like nothing better than to
destroy us? (1 Peter 5:8).

One of the ways Satan battles us is by tempting us to climb over
one of God's fences. But, as God's servants, we can have victory
because Christ indwells us (1 John 4:4).

4.God's commandments reveal true love. Did you read through the
Ten Commandments to learn what each command reveals about love?
Let's compare lists again.

I reveal my love for the Father by giving Him His unique and
proper supreme place in my life (Exodus 20:3); by not attributing
characteristics to Him that are not revealed in Scripture (20:4-6);
by not grieving the Holy Spirit with an undisciplined tongue (20:7);
by setting aside a day each week for honoring God and fellowshiping
with my family and the family of God (20:8 11); by honoring my
parents, which ultimately reveals God's love toward us in our
older years and His desire that we have happy homes (20:12); by
respecting life and doing to others as we would have them do to us
(20:13); by not playing games with our sexuality (20:14); by
delighting in being generous for the Lord (20:15); by being
trustworthy and God-honoring in our speech (20:16); by being
content, holy, and sanctified through the power of the Holy
Spirit who dwells in us (20:17).

God's commandments also reveal His vast love for us. Because we
could never measure up to His glory and holiness, He provided us
with a Savior--His Son, Jesus Christ. When we repent, seek
forgiveness, and commit ourselves to Christ, He comes to live in
us. It is only then, by His power, that we can live in obedience to
Him and experience His blessing in our lives.

To Ponder

To you, what is the most exciting aspect of God's Ten
Commandments? In a Bible study discussion, someone makes a
disparaging comment about the Ten Commandments and then asks how you
feel about God's commandments. How would you respond?
-- Clayton Moore - December 28, 1999
Born September 14, 1914
Actor. Best remembered for his role of "The Lone Ranger" on
the television series of the same name. He was inducted into
the Stuntman's Hall of Fame in 1982, and received the Western
Heritage Award from the Cowboy Hall of Fame in 1990. He is
currently the only person to have a star on the Hollywood
Walk of Fame with both his name and the character he was
known for playing; his star reads "Clayton Moore, the Lone
Ranger." His first role as the masked man was that of Zorro,
in the movie Ghost of Zorro. To win the part of the Lone
Ranger on the television show, he had to change his voice
to sound like the popular radio star of the Lone Ranger show.
With Jay Silverheels playing the part of Tonto, his faithful
Indian companion, he was the Lone Ranger from the show's
debut in 1949, until 1952, when he was fired in a salary
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Song from Moulin Rouge


Ebb Tide

Tara's Theme from Gone with the Wind

Around the World in 80 Days

Breakfast at Tiffany's


The Way We Were

You Do Something to Me



A Foggy Day



Arrivederci Roma

Theme from Moulin Rouge II

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Sleepy Lagoon

My Foolish Heart

Lisbon Antigua

La Mer

April in Portugal

Because of You

Poor People of Paris

Unchained Melody

Stranger on the Shore


Maple Leaf Rag

Voices of Spring

Emperor Waltz

Radetzky March

Water Music (Excerpt) George Frideric Handel

Finale - William Tell Overture

Overture - My Fair Lady

The Rain in Spain

The Lonely Bull - Herb Alpert

Tijuana Taxi - Herb Alpert

The Happy Whistler

So Rare

Mona Lisa

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Walk, Don't Run

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Canadian Sunset

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Down Yonder

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My Foolish Heart

Don't Know Much






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Only You

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As Time Goes By II

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San Francisco

Stranger In Paradise

Mrs. Howdy

Rags To Riches

The Good Life

Hello Dolly

All Of Me

Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Beyond The Sea

Everybody Loves

Return To Me

That's Amore

Autumn Leaves

Love Me With All Your Heart

If I Give My Heart To You

Autumn Leaves II

Autumn Leaves III

See The USA

My Prayer

You Always Hurt

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Love Me Tender

Its Now Or Never

Old Shep

Dont Be Cruel

When I Fall In Love

When I Fall In Love II

When I Fall In Love III

A Fool Such As I

You'll Never Know


I'm Yours

Wish You Were Here

Lady Of Spain


It's Magic

Secret Love

This Magic Moment

My Prayer

Twilight Time

Great Pretender

Harbor Lights

Little Darlin'


No Other Love

Magic Moments

Till The End Of Time

Dont Let The Stars

Overture - Barber of Seville

Back In The Saddle

You Always Hurt

When I Fall

When A Man

True Love



In The Mood

A Taste Of Honey

The Lonely Bull

Lollipops And Roses

This Guys In Love With You

What Now My Love

Three Coins In The Fountain

You've Gotta Have Heart


Stranger In Paradise II

Love Is...


Georgia On My Mind

Sentimental Over You

Thanks For The Memories

Too Young


Never On Sunday

Yellow Rose Of Texas


My Little Corner

Speak Low

Moments To Remember


Be My Love

Embassy Waltz


A Certain Smile

Chances Are

Not For Me To Say

Stranger On The Shore

I'll Be Seeing You

Cherry Pink


Moonlight Serenade

Last Date

Naughty Lady

Til I Kissed You

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Dixie Land Band

Ghost Riders In The Sky

The Happy Wanderer


Santa Catalina

Band Of Gold

Auld Lang Syne

The Wayward Wind

P.S. I Love You

Harbor Lights

Ebb Tide

Lime Light

Green Door

My Heart Cries

Down Yonder

Silvana Mangano Anna

Does Your Chewing Gum?

Grand Night For Singing

Purple People Eater

Orange Blossom Special

I'll Get By

'Til Then

Katie At UNC

Love Letters

As Time Goes By

Cheek To Cheek

Mission Impossible

The Way You Look Tonight


Glad To Be An American

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

How Great Thou Art

Have Thine Own Way

Beyond The Sunset

Amazing Grace

He's Got The Whole World

Peace In The Valley

How Great Thou Art II

Stars & Stripes Forever

Tennessee Waltz

Beverly Hillbillies Theme

El Paso

Happy Trails

Big John

Sixteen Tons

Which Doctor?

Wonderful! Wonderful!



The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Mr. Sandman

Bad Leroy

Only The Lonely


Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7 - II


I Walk The Line

God loves you so much that He died for you!!!


Click Here

Verse of the Day

* * * Four important things to KNOW: #1) For ALL (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) have sinned & fall short of the glory of God. #2) For the wages of above (see #1) are DEATH (Hell, eternal separation from God, & damnation) but the Gift (free & at no charge to you) of God (Creator, Jehovah, & Trinity) is Eternal Life (Heaven) through (in union with) Jesus Christ (God, Lord, 2nd Person of The Trinity, Messiah, Prince of Peace & Savior of the World). #3) For God so greatly loved & dearly prized the world (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) that He even gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, that whosoever (anyone, anywhere, anytime - while still living) believes (trust in, relies on, clings to, depends completely on) Him shall have eternal (everlasting) life (heaven). #4) Jesus said: "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, & THE LIFE. No one (male/female - American, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Asian, Presbyterian, European, Baptist, Brazilian, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc. ) comes (arrives) to the Father (with GOD in Heaven) EXCEPT BY (through) ME (no other name). *** This wonderful loving GOD gives you the choice - - - (Rev. 3:20) {Please note that church membership, baptism, doing good things, etc. are not requirements for becoming a Christian - however they are great afterwards!!!} *** Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (Hell, damnation, eternal punishment), and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (Heaven, eternal happiness, forever with God), and only a few find it.

D I S C L A I M E R If someone should ask if it's legal to download songs
found on various non-commercial sites, such as this one.

Well, I'm neither a lawyer nor a technician,
and I've begun to wonder if it was legal for
us to tape music off the radio back when
tape recorders first came into being.

And were we committing a crime when we recorded
a movie shown on TV with our VCRs? And was it
really legal to buy a dual-deck recorder for the
express purpose of duplicating cassettes?

My answer to all of the above is, "I don't know."

Nonetheless, here is a formal statement in
some kind of legalize that appears to apply
to this kind of file availability:

The songs on this site are copyrighted by their respective artists and are placed here
for evaluation purposes only. No profits or sales are made on this site from their use.

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