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Neptune's moon Triton is the coldest place in the solar system, witha surface temperature of -235 degrees Celsius (-390 degrees Fahrenheit). As cold as it is, there are active volcanoes on Triton in which the erupting liquid is frigidly cold liquid nitrogen.At Triton's surface, nitrogen normally exists as frozen ice. Butunder the surface, where Triton is heated by slow radioactive decayof its rocks, nitrogen melts into a liquid. When the liquid heats upstill further, it boils and erupts through the surface, spewingevaporating liquid nitrogen high into space. See Genesis 1 for more creation details.Triton is one of the few moons in the solar system that has anatmosphere and clouds. The clouds, seen by Voyager 2, are evidenceof Triton's volcanoes.
According to evolutionary ideas Neptune should not exist!
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A WORD WITH YOU By Ron Hutchcraft #4965 - "Hurt and Hiding" Isaiah 61:1-2
Listen to the audio broadcast! http://www.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/ramhurl?p=pnm&f=/rhm/sounds/awwy/awwy4965.rm
Gal - that's the name of our missionary friends' dog. She and they have lived on a Native American reservation. Most reservation dogs (they actually call them rez dogs) are pretty aggressive. They'll meet you whether you want to meet them or not. But Gal is different. As soon as she sees anyone approaching, she heads for cover. If you try to befriend her, she just cowers in a corner and trembles. It's pitiful! We asked our friends why Gal was so withdrawn. It's actually a pretty sad story. She'd been abused as a puppy by her former owner, and anytime anyone got close, she was afraid they would hurt her like those other people had.
Too hurt to trust anyone. That's not just something that happens to a pet. It happens to people - a lot. Maybe it's how you feel. Somewhere along the way you've been hurt or abandoned, betrayed, or mistreated. And like that little dog, you're afraid to let anyone get close. In fact, you may have built up some pretty elaborate defenses to make sure no one does. But really you're just afraid they'll hurt you like someone else did.
I saw one of our team on that reservation get very close to that little dog. In fact, Gal would seek her out and give and receive a lot of affection. But it was because the person took time to win the dog's trust. She proved that she only wanted to love and help her and that love broke through the fear and the hurt.
That's what I pray can happen for you. There's someone who is moving your direction, someone with outstretched arms, not to hurt you but to hold you - to heal you. It's Jesus. Listen to these words that describe Him - our word for today from the Word of God. Isaiah 61:1-2, "The Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners." You see, Jesus is the healer of broken hearts and broken lives, the liberator from the darkness.
But can He be trusted? God's answer, Romans 8:32, "He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all - how will he not also graciously give us all things." And then later in that chapter it says, "Nothing can ever separate us from his love." Can Jesus be trusted? Walk up that garbage dump called Skull Hill, stand in the pouring rain at the foot of His cross, and see the agony that Jesus is suffering there. The nails in His hands and feet, the thorns pressed on His brow, the spear wound in His side, most of all the total separation from God. And realize that it is your sin He is dying to pay for. Yes, you can trust this One who loved you enough to die for you. He's been waiting for you to turn your life over to Him so He can start the healing process that only He can bring.
But first you have to tell Him that you're putting your total trust in Him to be your Savior. Now, I know that word "trust" is a hard one after what you've been through, but you can't just go on hurting and hiding and being alone. This One who loves you so much that He gave everything He had for you, He's the One person you can finally trust. You've been looking for Him. You've been longing for Him for a long time.
If you want to open your life to Jesus now, I just want to invite you to come to our website. There in a way you can read or a way you can listen to, I'll briefly present to you how to be sure you've begun your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The website is yoursforlife.net. Or if you'd rather receive it in printed form, you can just call us toll free at 877-741-1200. In any case, I hope you will find your way to Jesus today and find the home for your heart.
I don't know what you've been through, but Jesus does and as He approaches you today, don't run from His open arms. He is the healing that your heart has always wanted.
If you're not sure you belong to Jesus, and you would like to make sure today, Ron would like to send to you a free copy of the booklet, "Yours for Life: How to Have Life's Most Important Relationship." To read it online, click here: http://www.yoursforlife.net/
OR, to request your free copy of "Yours for Life," click here: http://rhm.gospelcom.net/yours/yflorder.html
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To find out how you can begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please visit YOURS FOR LIFE: HOW TO HAVE LIFE'S MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP at: http://www.yoursforlife.net Or, call 1-888-NEED HIM.
"A Word With You" by Ron Hutchcraft is a daily radio challenge, with slice-of-life illustrations and insights - providing practical help on the issues that matter most. If your local Christian radio station does not air "A Word With You," please let them know how much you value this program. Over six years of transcripts are available online, at http://rhm.gospelcom.net/awwy.php